Författare: Joe

Authors Joe and Patty Elton have called Virginia home for most of their lives. Joe retired after serving for 20 years as Virginia”s state parks director. He also served as president of the National Association of State Park Directors and was a founder of the Virginia Association for Parks and America”s State Parks Foundation. Patty, a master naturalist and avid birder, was the founding president of the Friends of Bear Creek Lake State Park. She has been an outdoor writer and authored Ghostly Tales of Selected Virginia State Parks. Images presented within this work were sourced from the Library of Congress, CCC Legacy, the CCC Museum at Pocahontas State Park, individuals, and local historical societies.

7 E-böcker av Joe

Joe: 在雨中等雨停 Rain in the rain
如果在雨中哭可以帶走悲傷, 那她真的希望雨可以帶走她所有的悲傷。 很多事情不是一句對不起,都可以得到一句沒關係, 因為傷害早已造成一個印記,怎麼清也清不去。 國中的一個事件,讓林可茜封閉心靈,無論誰想走進也無法走進。 以為自己可以保護得很好,想不到昔日兩個人的歸來,再再觸動著她的心靈。 從習慣性的兩人行變成六人行,明明不願意,內心卻一步一步朝他們靠近。 在每一次接觸後,她努力的接受其他人的心意, …
Joe & Patty Elton: Civilian Conservation Corps in Virginia
In 1933, the United States was struggling to survive the Great Depression. Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt promised a "New Deal" to put the nation back to work. The Civilian Conservation Corps …
Joe & Ann Benoit: Come liberarsi dalle ripetizioni familiari negative
Tutti noi abbiamo avuto modo di osservare che numerosi problemi si ripetono di generazione in generazione in seno alla stessa famiglia, un po’ come un tamponamento a catena. Le ripetizioni possono ri …
Arabnia & Ishii: Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications
This volume contains the proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA’17). …
Dona J. & Joe: Identity and Leadership in Virtual Communities: Establishing Credibility and Influence
The presence and ubiquity of the internet continues to transform the way in which we identify ourselves and others both online and offline. The development of virtual communities permits users to cre …
Dona J. & Joe: Identity and Leadership in Virtual Communities: Establishing Credibility and Influence
The presence and ubiquity of the internet continues to transform the way in which we identify ourselves and others both online and offline. The development of virtual communities permits users to cre …