Författare: Joe Gwerder

While growing up in a small Northern California ranching and farming community, Joe was exposed to a childhood of many challenges including an abusive father. Even though he has always had the ability to “listen” to his feelings, it is only within the last 10 years that he has given them credence. He now writes about common life issues and experiences through his abilities to “feel” information. He also believes many more of us can “listen” if we simply know how to start. In this book Joe’s purpose is to share how to “listen” without your ears.

5 E-böcker av Joe Gwerder

Joe Gwerder: Listen Without Your Ears
In this book you will read about common life experiences. You will quickly learn of the uncommon approach by the author. There are many examples offered and questions asked. Much of this information …
Joe Gwerder: Listen out Loud
This is a book that all of the human race should read. It does not come with direct instructions or claims of uncovered secrets. It is written by a middle-aged man who has learned to accept and liste …
Joe Gwerder: 20/20 Listening
Listening to that little voice. Having a gut feeling. Getting certain vibes. Following your own intuition. Different words with the same meaning. We have all heard these things before but what do the …
Joe Gwerder: Solar Integrity
It is mid-2014. As little as ten years ago the word solar was hardly spoken here in the U.S. Within just the last decade a very unique set of circumstances has pushed this virtually unknown industry …
Joe Gwerder: Road 19
Road 19 is a very real place that represents the beginning foundation of what has become my family.And we’re not just your typical family either. Some things that were, and are, prevelent in my famil …