Författare: Joe R Lansdale

Joe R. Lansdale is the author of more than thirty novels, including the Edgar Award–winning Hap and Leonard mystery series (Mucho Mojo, Two Bear Mambo) and the New York Times Notable Book The Bottoms. More than two hundred of his stories have appeared in such outlets as Tales From the Crypt and Pulphouse, and his work has been adapted for The Twilight Zone and Masters of Horror. Lansdale has written several graphic novels, including Batman and Fantastic Four. He is a tenth-degree black belt and the founder of the Shen Chuan martial art.

7 E-böcker av Joe R Lansdale

Joe R Lansdale & Joe R Lansdale: Best Of Joe R. Lansdale
Godzilla s in a twelve-step program. A soul-sucking Mummy stalks Elvis and John F. Kennedy. Joe Bob Briggs has a moral dilemma: If your girlfriend turns zombie on you, what do you do? And that s the …
Joe R Lansdale: Flaming Zeppelins
What do the disembodied head of Buffalo Bill Cody, Annie Oakley, Frankenstein, the Tin Man, Captain Nemo, the Flying Dutchman, and the inestimable Ned the Seal have in common? Find out as they embark …
Peter S. Beagle & Peter S. Beagle: Urban Fantasy Anthology
Whether featuring tattooed demon hunters, angst-y vampires, supernatural gumshoes, or pixelated pixies, Urban Fantasy mashes up old-school tales with pop culture, creating iconic characters, divergin …
Joe R Lansdale & Joe R Lansdale: Big Book Of Hap And Leonard
The boys are back, and just in time for Season 3 of the Hap and Leonard TV series, starring Michael K. Williams (The Wire) and James Purefoy (Altered Carbon). Hap Collins looks like a good ”ol boy, …
Joe R Lansdale: Fine Dark Line
A classic coming-of-age murder mystery with corrupt cops, segregation, ice cream and missing lesbians It is the summer of 1958 in Dewmont, Texas, a town the great American postwar boom passed by. The …
Joe R Lansdale: Captains Outrageous
Brilliant new Hap and Leonard pageturner from the author of THE BOTTOMSHap Collins, chicken plant guard, saves a young woman. However, no good deed goes unpunished when he takes his best friend Leona …
Joe R Lansdale: Sunset and Sawdust
A hard-edged crime thriller set at the start of the Texas oil boom in the 1930s When Pete Jones, the local constable, is shot dead, his widow, Sunset, finds herself in his job, investigating a series …