Who Rules the World? God or Satan?
The title may surprise many readers. The center theme is to clarify the real situation of the world today. There are a lot of questions that are unanswered. Even if anybody tries to answer them, it doesn’t really satisfy the people. The best example could be the most commonly asked question, “Why are there so many sufferings if God is ruling the world and is in full control of the present situation of the world?” The real situation is whether God is trying to deliver people from the bondage of Satan or Satan is trying to take away people from God. If God is trying to deliver people from the rule of Satan, the question will be, “Is Satan greater than God?” The answer is a big no! But then, how is Satan having an easy way in controlling mankind? If God is ruling mankind, is He allowing Satan to have his way in controlling the entire mankind? You can find answers to all such questions in this book. This book is the need of the hour.
Foreword ………………………………………………………………………………………. v
Preface ………………………………………………………………………………………….vii
Chapter 1: The Truth About Satan…………………………………………………….. 1
Chapter 2: Satan Became the Ruler of the World………………………………..13
Chapter 3: The Actual Source of Suffering!…………………………………………25
Chapter 4: The Strategies of Satan …………………………………………………..38
Chapter 5: Satan Has Been Judged With All His Spirits……………………….52
Chapter 6: The Methodology of Satan’s Rule
The Formation of the British Empire…………………………………..62
Chapter 7: What Is Trinity?……………………………………………………………….74
Chapter 8: Who Is The Father?…………………………………………………………84
Chapter 9: Who Is The Holy Spirit?……………………………………………………92
Chapter 10: Who Is Jesus Christ? …………………………………………………….97
Chapter 11: Jesus vs Satan! …………………………………………………………..103
Chapter 12: The Facts About the Millenium……………………………………….114
Chapter 13: The End of Satan and His Activities………………………………..118
Chapter 14: The Final Judgment of Mankind and Satan …………………….126
Chapter 15: The Second Death, the Final Destiny of Satan…………………135
Chapter 16: Eternal Life vs Eternal Punishment…………………………………143
Chapter 17: The Black Hole (Source—Wikipedia)……………………………..150
Chapter 18: God’s Intelligent Design for the Eternal Future………………..154