Foreword 9
1 Starting from the Beginning 13
1.1 Beyond what? 13
1.2 Being human: the origins and early evolution of humankind 16
1.3 Corn and com...
Foreword 9
1 Starting from the Beginning 13
1.1 Beyond what? 13
1.2 Being human: the origins and early evolution of humankind 16
1.3 Corn and community, cities and civilization 19
2 The Way We Were 25
2.1 Introduction 25
2.2 Shifting power bases in the ancient world 26
2.3 Religion in the ancient world 27
2.4 Into Europe 28
2.5 Post-Roman Britain 29
2.6 Moving away from Rome 31
2.7 Science, culture and religion 31
2.8 The Industrial Revolution and the age of invention 34
2.9 Science, culture and religion revisited 36
2.10 Into the twentieth century 37
2.11 Some thoughts on the story so far 41
3 The Way We Are 45
3.1 Introduction 45
3.2 Communism and capitalism 46
3.3 Israel and Palestine 51
3.4 The European Union 53
3.5 The 1960s 54
3.6 Northern Ireland 59
3.7 Terrorism and war 61
3.8 Power bases shift again 64
3.9 Science, religion and culture 65
3.10 Human society: fraying round the edges or cracking down the middle? 70
3.11 After World War II: a final comment 74
4 Morals, Ethics and Complex Issues 77
4.1 Introduction 77
4.2 Ethical systems 78
4.3 A brief excursion into postmodernism 85
4.4 Application of ethics in medicine 87
4.5 Extending the ethical vision 89
5 Genes, Genetics and Human Disease 93
5.1 Introduction 93
5.2 Early understanding 94
5.3 Genes and medicine: the early years 95
5.4 The new genetic revolution 99
5.5 Science, sequences and sickness 102
6 Genetic Testing and Diagnosis: The Good, the Bad and the Muddly 113
6.1 Genetic testing and diagnosis 113
6.2 Prenatal and pre-implantation testing: wider ethical issues 123
6.3 A gene for this and a gene for that 133
6.4 Concluding remarks 138
7 Medical Technology: From Gamete to Grave 141
7.1 Introduction 141
7.2 The art of reproduction: from donor insemination to test-tube babies 142
7.3 Gene therapy 149
7.4 Repair, replacement and renewal 152
7.5 Three score years and then 167
7.6 … and then: when am I dead and when may I die? 171
7.7 Whatever next? 177
8 Chips with Everything: Computers, Information and Communications Technologies 181
8.1 Introduction 181
8.2 Alan Turing and the dawn of the computer age 182
8.3 The age of computers: the digital age 185
8.4 How things have changed 186
8.5 Networking 188
8.6 The digital divide 189
8.7 The darker side of digital technology 191
8.8 Concluding remarks 201
9 Transhumanism: Stronger, Faster, Better, Older? 205
9.1 Introduction 205
9.2 Transhumanism: biomedical 207
9.3 Transhumanism: pharmacological 221
9.4 Transhumanism: digital 223
9.5 Transhumanism: biomechanical 229
9.6 The “super-soldier” programme 230
9.7 Concluding comments 230
10 Beyond Human? 235
10.1 Introduction 235
10.2 The angel and the beast 236
10.3 Fair shares for all? 237
10.4 Fiddling while home burns 239
10.5 Better humans? 242
10.6 Postscript 244
Index 246