In Seven Steps to Accelerated Wealth John Fitzgerald shares his seven key principles of accelerated wealth building through property. This practical guide shows readers how to make $1 million by following the author/’s simple and proven system of developing a low-maintenance, low-risk portfolio of investment property as an asset base.
Author John Fitzgerald is a property investor and developer. A self-made success story, he made his first million at age 23, having developed a successful formula for real estate investment. He has since bought and sold over 8000 properties.
Acknowledgements vi
Foreword vii
Introduction ix
Who is John L Fitzgerald? xv
Part I: starting points
1 Have you got what it takes? 3
2 Finding your focus 21
3 Back to basics 35
4 Active (or accelerated) wealth 57
Part II: seven steps to accelerated wealth
5 Step 1: build an A team 69
6 Step 2: identify intrinsic value 81
7 Step 3: target the need 99
8 Step 4: creatively control the asset 115
9 Step 5: check the exits 123
10 Step 6: use other people’s money 137
11 Step 7: enter the fl ow 153
Part III: putting it all together
12 $1 million in one year 167
What’s next? 183
Appendix 185
Index 189
Om författaren
John Fitzgerald is the author of two books – Seven Steps To Wealth and We Can Be Heroes(self published). He has educated thousands of ordinary Australians on how to build wealth (even to become millionaires).