Part I: Putting Your Fundraising Ducks in a Row.
Chapter 1: Fundraising in a Changing Economy.
Chapter 2: Identifying the Fruits of Your Fundra...
Part I: Putting Your Fundraising Ducks in a Row.
Chapter 1: Fundraising in a Changing Economy.
Chapter 2: Identifying the Fruits of Your Fundraising Passion.
Chapter 3: Finding the Right Perspective: Fundraising Issues and Ethics.
Chapter 4: Writing Your Case Statement: Your Agency’s Reason to Be.
Chapter 5: Organizing Your Team: Board Members and Volunteers.
Chapter 6: Creating a Winning Fundraising Plan.
Part II: Finding — and Winning Over –Donors.
Chapter 7: Getting the Lowdown on Your Donors.
Chapter 8: Meeting Your Donor.
Chapter 9: Cultivating Major Givers.
Chapter 10: Asking for a Major Gift.
Chapter 11: Writing Winning Grant Proposals.
Part III: Telling Your Story and Building Your Brand.
Chapter 12: Connecting for Profi ts: Sharing Your Story by Print, Mail, and Phone.
Chapter 13: Projecting Your Image in the Media.
Chapter 14: Social Networking: What’s the Connection for Your Organization?
Chapter 15: Getting the Most from E-Mail and E-Newsletters.
Chapter 16: Ramping Up Your Web Site.
Chapter 17: Extending Your Brand Online.
Part IV: Engaging Your Givers with the Right Campaigns.
Chapter 18: Organizing, Implementing, and Celebrating Your Annual Fund.
Chapter 19: Planning a Special Event.
Chapter 20: Building Buildings, Nonbuildings, and Futures: The Capital Campaign.
Chapter 21: Securing Major Gifts, Planned Gifts, and the Challenge Grant.
Chapter 22: Engaging the Corporate Giver.
Chapter 23: Building and Growing Endowments.
Part V: The Part of Tens.
Chapter 24: Ten Predictions about Fundraising.
Chapter 25: Ten (Plus One) Great Opening Lines.