Författare: Jonas Enander

Jonas Enander, Ph D, is a researcher and science communicator who studies cosmologyand astrophysics. His research focuses on dark matter and Einstein’s theory of general relativity.Previously, he has worked as a professor at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm andparticipated in the construction of the Ice Cube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole, Antarctica. Henow works as a research communicator for Oskar Klein Centre in Stockholm and hosts the podcasts Spacetime Fika (in English) and Rumtiden (in Swedish).

1 E-böcker av Jonas Enander

Jonas Enander: Facing Infinity: Black Holes and Our Place on Earth
A riveting appraisal of black holes, situating them at the heart of our understanding of ourselves and the universe and informed by original interviews with more than 20 world-leading researchers and …