Ethis is a vital issue for youth workers. Youth work projects are often established to encourage an ethical purpose among young people and this book helps youth workers to think about ways of developing ethical reflection in young people. It considers the establishment of organisations, by neighbourhoods and networks, to express an ethical purpose among young people. Youth work professionals will learn how to site their practice within the professional code and work in complex and unpredictable contexts. The book also encourages youth workers to think about the development of ethical reflection by young people.
Why worry about ethics in youth work?
Values: association and listening
Values: equality
Values: participation
Developing ethical reflection by young people
Youth workers and ethical conduct
Youth work organisations as ethical projects
Ethics and research in youth work
Setting ethical priorities and explaining them
Om författaren
Jonathan Roberts has been involved in youth work for many years and currently is a Principal Lecturer leading youth work courses at the University of Teesside. Amongst his previous roles, he has been Church of England National Youth Officer, Company Secretary for Sunderland Youth Employment Project and regional coordinator for the Community Work Assessment Consortium for North East England. He has been working in Middlesbrough at the University of Teesside since 2003, and has developed the MSc Youth Work course, the BSc Youth Studies and Youth Work, and the Foundation Degree Working With Young People and Young People’s Services.