Författare: Joni Scott

Joni Scott has enjoyed a scientific career as an organic chemist and biochemist in hospitals and industry. She also home-schooled her two children and then embarked on another career running a tutoring business. After writing her debut novel, Whispers through Time, she contracted CRPS and lost the use of her dominant right arm and hand. In early 2020, she travelled to Italy for treatment but ended up in lockdown. This experience inspired her second novel, The Last Hotel which she wrote with her left hand. Though the physical act of writing is still a struggle, Joni continues to write in a strange tippy-tap manner. Time Heal my Heart is her third novel and can be read as a free-standing novel or sequel to Whispers Through Time.Colour comes to Tangles is Joni”s fourth novel and is a contemporary mystery romance, partly set in India.

4 E-böcker av Joni Scott

Joni Scott: Whispers Through Time
This historical drama, part true, part fiction, is based on the mysterious lives of the author’s maternal grandparents’, Walter and Winifred, spanning most of the twentieth century.Encompassing the B …
Joni Scott: Last Hotel
Joni Scott: Colour comes to Tangles
Tangles is a hair salon on Buderim Mountain, Queensland, Australia and Tanya,  the owner and sole hairdresser. With an ex stalking her and a girlfriend missing, Tanya considers he …
Joni Scott: Time Heal My Heart
In 1914 young husbands and sons set off in high spirits for the grand adventure of war, a war promised to be over by Christmas. Little do they or their loved ones realise that four long years of horr …