Since the release of the very successful first edition in 2001, the field of emotional intelligence has grown in sophistication and importance. Many new and talented researchers have come into the field and techniques in EI measurement have dramatically increased so that we now know much more about the distinctiveness and utility of the different EI measures. There has also been a dramatic upswing in research that looks at how to teach EI in schools, organizations, and families.In...
Since the release of the very successful first edition in 2001, the field of emotional intelligence has grown in sophistication and importance. Many new and talented researchers have come into the field and techniques in EI measurement have dramatically increased so that we now know much more about the distinctiveness and utility of the different EI measures. There has also been a dramatic upswing in research that looks at how to teach EI in schools, organizations, and families.In this second edition, leaders in the field present the most up-to-date research on the assessment and use of the emotional intelligence construct. Importantly, this edition expands on the previous by providing greater coverage of emotional intelligence interventions.As with the first edition, this second edition is both scientifically rigorous, yet highly readable and accessible to a non-specialist audience. It will therefore be of value to researchers and practitioners in many disciplines beyond social psychology, including areas of basic research, cognition and emotion, organizational selection, organizational training, education, clinical psychology, and development psychology.