Air Veda: Ancient & New Medical Wisdom, Digestion & Gas covers the remarkable advances in the understanding of digestive health and wellness. New information about genomics, epigenetics, the gut microbiome, and the gut-brain-microbiome-diet axis are opening new avenues to optimal whole body health and wellness. An appreciation of the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and other disciplines reveals an advanced insight into the nature of the human body and a holistic approach. Although intestinal gas and basic bodily functions have been topics culturally suppressed, knowledge and understanding are needed to achieve and maintain optimal health.
Preface Introduction Activated Charcoal Aerogel Aerophagia Aerospace Air Enema Air Fart Air, Gas Composition Air, Iatrogenic Alimentary Tract Allopathic Medicine Alpha Galactosidase Amino Acid Amylase Anus Archaea Atmospheric Pressure Auto Brewery Syndrome Ayurveda Bacterial Overgrowth Bariatric Surgery Bean Belch Bicarbonate Secretion Bifidobacteria Bismuth Bloat Bloat, Veterinary Borborygmus Bowel Movement Bowel Sounds Brain Fart Bubble Burp/Belch Butt Breathe Carbohydrate Carbonation Carbon Dioxide Carminative Celiac Disease Chewing Chili Con Carne Colon Coprology Crepitation Contest Diet Digestion Digestive Tract Distension Diverticulosis Elevator Enzyme Eructation Esophageal Sphincter, Lower Esophagus Fart Fart, Art Fart, Diffusion Fart, Etymology Fart, Flammable Fart, Frequency Fart, Global Warming Fart, History & Culture Fart, Non-Human Fart, Smell Fart, Social Standards Fart, Sound Fart, Speed Fart, Survey Fart, Therapeutic Options Fart, Underwater Fart, Vagina Fart, Visual Fart, Volume Fart, Weight Fecal Microbiota Transplant Fecal Oral Contamination Route Feces Feces Waste Management Fiber Flatology Flatulence FODMAP Diet Food Intolerance Franklin, Benjamin Fructose Fungi Gastric Acid Gastroenterology Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Gastrointestinal Motility Gastrointestinal Tract Global Warming Gluten Gluten Sensitive Enteropathy Gut-Brain-Microbiome-Food Axis Gut Feeling Gut Fermentation Syndrome Hiatus Hernia Hiccup High Altitude Flatus Expulsion High Altitude Living Hydrogen Hydrogen Sulfide Ideal Gas Law Indole Intestinal Gas Intestinal Gas, Therapy Irritable Bowel Syndrome Lactase Lactobacillus Lactose Lactose Intolerance Large Intestine Le Pétomane Lipase Lipid Lower Esophageal Sphincter Malabsorption & Maldigestion Mastication Meteroism Methane Microbiology Microbiome Microfart Mountain Climbing Nitrogen Nitrogenation Olestra Orlistat Oxygen Pancreas Pancreas Insufficiency Pancreas Secretions Pathogen Pepsin, Pepsinogen Peristalsis Personalized Medicine Physics Pneumaturia Prebiotic Probiotic Proctology Rectum Rumination Syndrome Saliva Scatology Scuba Diving Shart Simethicone Singultus Skatole Small Intestine Spelunking Stomach Stomach Acid Sucrase Sucrose Sucrose Intolerance Surface Tension Thiol, Sufhydrl, Mercaptan Toilet Trypsin, Trypsinogen Underground Miners Valsalva Maneuver Villi Whoopee Cushion Yoga Zymogen Afterword Index
Om författaren
Joseph B. Weiss, M.D. is Clinical Professor of Medicine in the Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine, at the University of California, San Diego. An autodidact and polymath, he was accepted to university at age fifteen and attended the University of Michigan, University of Detroit, and Wayne State University. Reflecting his broad interests, he had three separate majors in Medieval English Literature, Astrophysics, and Invertebrate Zoology. Following his graduation from the Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit, Michigan, he completed his internship and residency in Internal Medicine at the University of California, Irvine Medical Center in Orange, California. Under the auspices of the World Health Organization and others he has pursued interests in Tropical Medicine and International Medicine with extended stays in Africa, The Middle East, and Latin America. Subsequently completing a clinical and research fellowship in Gastroenterology at the University of California, San Diego, he has been active on the clinical faculty for over thirty years.
Dr. Weiss is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians, a Fellow of the American Gastroenterological Association, and a Senior Fellow of the American College of Gastroenterology. Double board certified in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, Dr. Weiss has over thirty years of clinical, administrative, and research experience. He has also served on the Board of Directors of the Scripps Clinic Medical Group, Clinical Board of Governors of the Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, and Chancellor’s Associates of the University of California, San Diego
He is the author of more than ten books on health (, and has had numerous papers published in prestigious national and international medical journals, as well as in the lay press. Dr. Weiss is also an accomplished humorist and professional speaker member of the National Speakers Association, having given over two thousand presentations nationally and internationally. He has presented at universities, medical schools, hospitals and medical centers, pharmaceutical companies, YPO/WPO, Aspen Institute, Bohemian Grove, Esalen Institute, Renaissance Weekend, International Destination Spas & Resorts (Golden Door, Canyon Ranch, Rancho La Puerta), corporate events, etc. Co-hosting a popular health care radio program on a major network affiliate in Southern California showcased his skills as a communicator.
Combining a razor sharp intellect within a compassionate humanist, he is as comfortable with heads of state, celebrities, Nobel laureates, and CEO’s as he is with the most menial of laborers and the unemployed. With a winsome and personable disposition, he can easily assume a contrarian viewpoint in order to engage and encourage discussion and exploration. Having experienced more than his fair share of both tragedy and the heights of success, his life view philosophy is well earned, knowledgeable, and insightful. A naturally gifted communicator, teacher, and student, sharing and expanding knowledge are an overarching passion. With a great sense of humor, he shares the deprecating story that he used to consider himself conceited, but with the development of an extraordinary degree of modesty, he is now absolutely perfect. Continuing as an inquisitive life-long student of everything, volunteer philanthropic and community activities, and world travel are just a few of the avocations he enjoyably pursues.