Kurt Lewin's methods of planned change and Edwin Friedman's self-differentiated leadership are blended together and illuminated through the true story of legendary Malaysian businessman Chan Koh. Crafted as a workbook with quizzes and self-assessment worksheets, this is a concise and entertaining organization development masterpiece. The author's also draw from their own decades of experience to further illustrate their approach to Lewian OD. Gilmore Crosby is a foremost expert on Lewin and brings fresh clarity to Lewin's practical and reliable concepts such as field theory and group decision. His companion work, Planned Change: Why Kurt Lewin's Social Science is What the World Needs Now for Leadership, Business Performance, Change Management & Social Change, is a deep dive into and a new organization of Lewin's original writing. It is due out in 2020 from Taylor & Francis and has been endorsed by many of the leaders of the OD profession. The Chan Koh story benefits from the same research and combines Friedman and Lewin in a simple yet powerful way. The cross-cultural element is the icing on the cake of this OD gem.
Chapter 1: Self-Differentiated Leadership………………………………….9
Chapter 2: The Chan Koh Story………………………………………………15
Worksheet 1: Self-Differentiated Leadership……………………………..23
Chapter 3: Kurt Lewin’s Planned Change…………………………………35
Worksheet 2: Planned Change……………………………………………….47
Appendix A: The PECO Nuclear Turnaround……………………………57
Appendix B: The Rest of the Chan Story…………………………………69
Om författaren
Gil Crosby has been an Organization and Leadership Development Professional since 1984. Mr. Crosby has a unique ability to connect with people from all walks of life, from the top of an organization to the bottom, in multiple industries, and in cultures all over the globe. While drawing on many sources, Mr. Crosby’s methods are especially rooted in Kurt Lewin’s action research methods, and Edwin Friedman’s systems thinking. Crosby’s application of Lewin’s T-group method, pioneered by his father, Robert P. Crosby, provides a catalyst for deep and lasting individual and systemic change. His fourth OD book, ’Planned Change: Why Kurt Lewin’s Social Science is what you need for Business Performance, Change Management & Social Change, ’ will be available soon. Mr. Crosby, while based in the US, has been blessed with a plethora of work in Jamaica and elsewhere, and is happily married to a Jamaican. His clear thinking and strong track record of measurable results keep him in demand as a speaker, coach, author and consultant.