By analyzing the cases present in this volume, the editors develop important steps towards a theory of social change that can adequately address the complex realities and intersectionality of identity (race, gender, class, sexuality, nationality) within and among these new movements.
Local Communities and Global Resistance: Social Change and Autonomy Struggles in the Americas; K.Dellacioppa PART I: CULTURAL RESISTANCE AND IDENTITY New Political Actors in Rural Mexico: The Challenges and Achievements of Indigeneosu and Peasant Women; A.H.Castillo & G. E.Damian The Rebel Girls of the Other Campaign: The EZLN and Teenage Activism in Mexico City; J.Taft Zapatismo and Community-Based Social Change: Toward a Feminist Global Praxis?; M.Govea La Otra Educación: Hip Hop, Zapatismo, and Popular Education; O.Marquez PART II: POLITICAL RESISTANCE AND IDENTITY Maíz y País: Indigenous Mexican Struggles against Biotechnology in Agriculture; J.Rogers Generating Hope, Creating Change, Searching for Community: Stories of Resistance against Globalization at the U.S.-Mexico Border; M.Téllez The Nonprofit Industrial Complex: Struggling for Social Movement Autonomy in a Global Port City; C.Weber Present in the World Economy: The Coalition of Immokalee Workers (2006-2009); A.Drainville Global Movements? Local Movements? ; C.Weber
Om författaren
KARA DELLACIOPPA Professor of Sociology at California State University-Dominguez Hills, USA.
CLARE WEBER Chair of the Department of Sociology at California State University-Dominguez Hills, USA.