This book explores the relationship between conversation analysis and applied linguistics, demonstrating how the analysis of institutional talk can contribute to professional practice. With a foreword by Paul Drew, the core of the collection deals with topics as diverse as speech therapy and retailing; radio journalism and cross-cultural training.
Notes on Editors and Contributors List of Illustrations and Tables Transcription Conventions Foreword: Applied Linguistics and Conversation Analysis; P.Drew Introduction; K.Richards PART 1: SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPY Autistic Children’s Co-ordination of Gaze and Talk: Re-examining the ’Asocial’ Autist; P.Dickerson, J.Rae, P.Stribling, K.Dautenhahn & I.Werry Co-Constructing Meaning in Acquired Speech Disorders: Word and Letter Repetition in the Construction of Turns; S.Bloch A Comparison of a Mother and a Therapist Working on Child Speech; H.Gardner PART 2: PROFESSIONAL DISCOURSE Talking an Institution Into Being: The Opening Sequence in General Practice Consultations; J.Gafaranga & N.Britten Would You Like To Do It Yourself? Service Requests and Their Non-Granting Responses; E.Vinkhuyzen & M.Szymanski Social Identity and Language Choice in Bilingual Service Talk; M.C.Torras University Students Resisting Academic Identity; B.Benwell & E.Stokoe PART 3: NATIVE SPEAKER AND NON-NATIVE SPEAKER INTERACTION Different Orientations to Grammatical Correctness; S.Kurhila Sidestepping Grammar; J.Wong Discrimination Due to Nonnative Speech Production? M.Egbert PART 4: LANGUAGE LEARNING The Organization of Off-task Talk in Second Language Classrooms; N.Markee Vowel-marking as an Interactional Resource in Japanese Novice ESL Conversation; D.Carroll Teaching Patterns of Interaction in English for Specific Purposes; A.Packett Conversation Analysis as Research Methodology; P.Seedhouse Bibliography Index
Om författaren
BETHAN BENWELL Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics, University of Stirling, UK STEVEN BLOCH Lecturer and Clinical Tutor, Department of Human Communication Disorders, University College, London, UK NICKY BRITTEN Professor of Applied Health Care Research, Peninsula Medical School, Universities of Exeter and Plymouth, UK DON CARROLL Professor, teaches Applied Linguistics, Intercultural Communication, Conversation Analysis and EFL, Shikoku Gakuin University, Japan KERSTIN DAUTENHAHN Professor of Artificial Intelligence, School of Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire, UK PAUL DICKERSON Senior Lecturer in Psychology, University of Surrey, Roehampton, Surrey, UK PAUL DREW Professor of Sociology, University of York, UK MARIA EGBERT Associate Professor, Specialist in Conversation Analysis, Intercultural Communication and German as a Foreign Language, University of Oldenburg, Germany JOSEPH GAFARANGA Lecturer and Program Director for MSc in Applied Linguistics in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, University of Edinburgh, UK HILARY GARDNER Lecturer in Human Communication Sciences, Sheffield University, UK SALLA KURHILA Assistant, Department of Finnish, University of Helsinki, Finland NUMA MARKEE Teaches Applied Linguistics, University of Illinois, Urbaba-Champaign, USA ANDREW PACKETT Teaches English to students of Journalism, University of Coimbra, Portugal JOHN RAE Senior Lecturer in Psychology, University of Surrey, Roehampton, Surrey, UK ELIZABETHSTOKOE Lecturer, Social Sciences, Loughborough University, UK PENNY STRIBLING Doctoral student in the School of Psychology and Therapeutics Studies, University of Surrey, Roehampton, Surrey, UK MARGARET SZYMANSKI Member of the Research Staff, Systems and Practices Laboratory, Palo Alto Research Center, (PARC), USA MARIA CARME TORRAS Senior Academic Librarian/Information Specialist, Arts and Humanities Library, University of Bergen, Norway ERIK VINKHUYZEN Workplace Ethnographer, Research staff, Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), USA IAIN WERRY Lecturer in Computer Science, Adaptive Systems Research Group, School of Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire, UK JEAN WONG Associate Professor of Special Education, Language and Literacy, College of New Jersey, Ewing, USA