Kitties come in all shapes and sizes, colors and types.
Pretty Kitties takes you on a fantastic ride through kitties galore where you’ll learn and experience all the diversity the kitty world has to offer.
A Short book written and illustrated by international bestselling author K. Rose
Om författaren
K. Rose has been a part of the Indie Author Community for years. Getting her start as a reader, her keen eye led to a wonderful career in Beta and ARC (Advance Reader Copy) reading. As a joke to her fellow Beta colleagues, she created a spoofed blurb and cover for a story and the feedback was so positive that it sparked her to run with it.That stoked a fire that has her racing down a multi-genre freeway with no off-ramp in sight. K. doesn’t write to ’market’ and she is fairly certain that her humor and use of puns may cause an eye roll or two, but as she likes to say, ’That’s how I roll.’ and ’Jokes are always welcome!’She has traveled the USA extensively, including Alaska, and lived in thirty-eight of the fifty states. Home is now the beautiful state of Wisconsin, where she dreams up her stories in the company of her guy of nearly twenty years, and their menagerie of furbabies, including five puppies, three rescue kitties, eighteen chickens, ruled by a Rooster named Chicken Parm, plus eight ducks, a ninety-gallon tropical fish tank and a chatty nineteen-year-old Cherry Headed Conure!Life will always be interesting for K. Rose, which will fuel her works, and keep her muses singing, come join the chorus.Find more about K. at the places below! Twitter- Tik Tok- Amazon- Newsletter – Nbr Ooi HDl4qrsd Av4Tsm Sppnj3z Ihbk7HO1xv QOo Xt K3BP/26961/ Book Bub – Signed Paperback order form – QLSf IIXLRVo YFqg P-sr6Ps Z-c X7j Ka VO1tz C2g B1_DPq6M3papg/viewform?usp=sf_link Instagram- Goodreads- Link Tree – Street Team – Facebook Group – Facebook Like Page- Author