ìOverall this issue is well organized and informative, a welcome addition to research literature available in the field of aging.î
– Educational Gerontology: Learning Resources
Forthcoming Contents, Volume 12
Implicit Memory: An Expanding Picture of Cognitive Aging, Darlene V. Howard Learning, Memory, and Aging: Neural Changes and Drug Actions, Diana S. Woodruff-Pak, Joan M. Coffin, and Doris K. Sasse Aging, Information Processing Speed, and Intelligence, Christopher Hertzog Cognition and Everyday Competence, Sherry L. Willis The Role of the Self-Concept in Aging, Hazel Rose Markus and A. Regula Herzog Psychological Well-Being in Adulthood and Old Age: Descriptive Markers and Explanatory Processes, Carol D. Ryff and Marilyn J. Essex Emotional Regulation in Adulthood and Later Life: A Developmental View, Gisela Labouvie-Vief and Marlene Ruth De Voe Selectivity Theory: Social Activity in Life-Span Context, Laura L. Carstensen Psychological and Physiological Effects of Exercise Among Older Adults, Charles F. Emery, Eileen J. Burker, and James A. Blumenthal A Levels-of-Analysis Perspective of Aging and Work Research, Bruce J. Avolio Depressive Symptoms in Older Adults: Predispositions, Resources, and Life Experiences, Stanley A. Murrell and Suzanne Meeks Interventions and Services for Family Caregivers, Steven H. Zarit and Linda Teri Successful Aging in Long-Term Care Institutions, Margret M. Baltes, Hans-Werner Wahl, and Monika Reichert Author Index
Subject Index