Författare: Kaarina Maeaettae


3 E-böcker av Kaarina Maeaettae

Kaarina Maeaettae & Merja Paksuniemi: What Are Finnish Teachers Made Of? A Glance at Teacher Education in Finland Formerly and Today
The purpose of this book is to provide a special viewpoint on the development of the Finnish school system and teacher education. Understanding the success of today requires information about the …
J. J Camacho & L Diaz: Spectroscopic Analysis of Chemical Species in Carbon Plasmas Induced by High-Power IR CO2 Laser
This book describes certain fundamentals of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and the experimental results obtained from ultraviolet-visible-near infrared (UV-Vis-NIR) spectra induced by …
Kaarina Maeaettae & Erika Katjaana Sarivaara: Indigenous Adult Language Revitalization and Education
Indigenous languages are endangered and questions of revitalization are topical in today’s climate. This book deals with adult education and the topic of adults reclaiming their ancestral language. …