From Text to Artefact is a collection of twenty-seven essays in honour of Anne Mette Hansen, Associate Professor at the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics at the University of Copenhagen and Curator of the Arnamagnæan Collection in Copenhagen, Denmark. The contents of the volume reflect the honouree’s interests in Nordic philology, manuscript studies and textual scholarship with a special focus on material philology. Each contribution presents new scholarship by expanding on previous knowledge from a different angle.
From Text to Artefact is divided into two main sections: Interpreting the Artefact and Interpreting the Text. While the first part focuses on manuscripts – mainly artefacts in the Arnamagnæan Collection – the second part takes a step away from the text bearing objects and discusses scholarly interpretations and editorial problems. The variety of topics addressed thereby gives a unique insight into current research in Scandinavian manuscripts and related fields.
I. Interpreting the Artefact
1. The Rev. James Johnstone, Septentrionalist and Man of Mystery - M. J. Driscoll
2. Die Papiermühlen und Wasserzeichen der Königin: Ein Wasserzeichen aus den Papiermühlen der Königin Charlotte Amalie und sein Vorkommen in isländischen Handschriften - Silvia Hufnagel
3. ’Studeer paa det eensomme Skib!’: En dedikation fra Adam Oehlenschläger til Poul Martin Møller - Finn Gredal Jensen
4. A Danish Collection of Old Norse Sagas: Material-Philological and Textual Studies of Acc. 61 - Katarzyna Anna Kapitan
5. Medieval Stories in Early Modern Manuscripts: Thoughts on Rask 33 and AM 578 i 4to - Sheryl Mc Donald Werronen
6. To gammeljomfruer og en kvinde mellem to mænd: Et folkevisehåndskrift, hvor indførsler, lægskel og brugsspor fortæller flere historier - Vibeke A. Pedersen
7. Das Buch im Buch: Artefactual Philology in zwei sich überlagernden Schichten - Friederike Richter
8. Frömmigkeit und Kodikologie: Nachträglich eingebundene Bildseiten in einem niederdeutschen Gebetbuch - Beeke Stegmann und Astrid Marner
9. Codicological Units or Production Units? The Structure and Production of AM 71 8vo - Seán D. Vrieland
10. The AM Dipl. Dan. LI 3 Scribe - Stephen Werronen
11. The Oldest Material Records of dróttkvætt Poetry - Tarrin Wills
12. Judging a Book by its Cover: Manuscripts with Limp Bindings in the Arnamagnæan Collection - N. Kıvılcım Yavuz
13. A Family Reunion: The Case of Lbs 1255 8vo and Lbs 2095 8vo - Þórunn Sigurðardóttir
II. Interpreting the Text
14. Rhetorical Markup of AM 421 12mo: A passionate, breathless, and distinctly female ecstasy - Rasmus G. Bjørn
15. Dokumentfiktion: Om nyt og gammelt i Jens Baggesens ’Labyrinten paa Rim’ - Henrik Blicher
16. u eller n? - Simon Skovgaard Boeck
17. Tekstkritiske bemærkninger til Thomas Bartholins korrespondance med Niels Stensen - Niels W. Bruun
18. Siðbót 47.4-49: What Happened? - Martin Chase
19. Arnamagnæanske visestumper - Dorthe Duncker og Hanne Ruus
20. Fynsk træsko i sjællandsk lov - Britta Olrik Frederiksen
21. Borgeled i gammeldansk – et ord på vej i to retninger - Bent Jørgensen
22. Materialtekst og tekstur - Johnny Kondrup
23. Maskinel kollation af et positivintegralt multivariantapparat, eller: Sammenlignende billeddannelse i ubevogtede øjeblikke - Karsten Kynde
24. Bekraríma or ’The Rhyme of the Ram’ by Eiríkur Hallsson - Philip Lavender
25. ’En smuk historie’: Arne Magnussons vurdering af litteratur - Margrét Eggertsdóttir
26. „ … oc wiltw wide the wnder som i wore lande ære …’: Wunderbare Reichtümer in Een lysthelighe historie aff Ion presth (1510) - Anna Katharina Richter
27. ’En yderst usikker og hasarderet vej at gå’: Om Henrik Ernsts afhandling om tekstkritik (1652) og dens inspirationskilder - Karen Skovgaard-Petersen
Om författaren
Seán D. Vrieland is a researcher at the Arnamagnæan Institute at the University of Copenhagen, where he focuses on East Norse manuscripts and the history of the Nordic languages. He holds a Ph D degree from the same university based on the dissertation Old Gutnish in a Danish Hand: Studies in the B Manuscript of Guta Lag. Following the Ph D Vrieland held a two-year postdoctoral position in connection with the project Script and Text in Time and Space funded by the VELUX Foundation and led by the honorant of the present volume. In his current position Vrieland focuses on the Faroese manuscripts held in the collection and will soon begin a research project on this material, funded by the Faroese Research Council.