Författare: Kathleen Draper

Kathleen Draper has been deeply involved in many areas of biochar research, communication, and outreach for the past six years. She routinely collaborates with biochar experts from around the globe as the Chairman of the International Biochar Initiative (IBI), moderator for IBI’s biochar education webinar series, and the US Director of the Ithaka Institute for Carbon Intelligence. She has lectured on biochar in several countries and provides consulting services to companies entering the biochar industry. She is editor of the online review, The Biochar Journal.

4 E-böcker av Kathleen Draper

Albert Bates & Kathleen Draper: Burn
An 800-CEO-READ ’Editor’s Choice’ March 2019 How We Can Harness Carbon to Help Solve the Climate Crisis In order to rescue ourselves from climate catastrophe, we need to radically alter how humans li …
Ute Scheub & Haiko Pieplow: Terra Preta
Terra preta is the Portuguese name of a type of soil which is thought to have almost miraculous properties. The newspapers are flooded with reports about “black gold, ” scientists believe that two of …
Albert Bates & Kathleen Draper: Cool down
Durch Verbrennung die Erderwärmung eindämmen? Klingt paradox, ist aber möglich Die zugrunde liegende Methode – die sauerstofffreie »Verbrennung« von organischen Materialien wie Küchenabfällen oder Pf …
Albert Bates & Kathleen Draper: Cool down
Durch Verbrennung die Erderwärmung eindämmen? Klingt paradox, ist aber möglich Die zugrunde liegende Methode – die sauerstofffreie »Verbrennung« von organischen Materialien wie Küchenabfällen oder Pf …