Författare: Kathryn Pillay

Philomena Essed is Professor of Critical Race, Gender and Leadership Studies for Antioch University’s Graduate School of Leadership and Change Karen Farquharson is Professor of Sociology and Head of the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne Kathryn Pillay is Lecturer in the Department of Sociology at the University of Kwa Zulu-Natal (UKZN) Elisa Joy White is Associate Professor of African American and African Studies at University of California at Davis

3 E-böcker av Kathryn Pillay

Philomena Essed & Karen Farquharson: Relating Worlds of Racism
This international edited collection examines how racism trajectories and manifestations in different locations relate and influence each other. The book unmasks and foregrounds the ways in which not …
Stephanie Ebert & Kathryn Pillay: How to stop a train
When Mohandas Gandhi is thrown off a train one day, it marks the beginning of a journey. A journey to put an end to the unfair treatment of Indian people in South Africa. A journey to teach everyone …
Stephanie Ebert & Kathryn Pillay: Hoe om ”n trein te stop
Toe Mohandas Gandhi op ”n dag van ”n trein afgegooi word, is dit die begin van ”n reis. ”n Reis om ”n einde te maak aan die onregverdige manier waarop party mense in Suid-Afrika behandel word. ’ …