Virtual worlds such as Second Life, have millions of users worldwide. Virtual world ’residents’ wield huge purchasing power, and use real money in the online economies. Companies as diverse as Adidas, Jean-Paul Gaultier, and MTV have plunged into these unchartered waters to give their brands a virtual presence, using varied strategies.
Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1. The Emergence& Characteristics of Virtual Worlds The early worlds The adoption continuum The establishers Chapter 2. The Culture of Virtual World Users Adult user profiles and habits Tween user profiles and habits Kids& tween worlds Chapter 3. The Emergence of Business within Virtual Worlds Why use virtual worlds? Types of businesses within virtual worlds Strategies and tactics from real-world brands Chapter 4. The Virtual Worlds of Proprietary Brands Strategies, tactics and impact of virtual worlds built around a global brand Disney’s Toontown Coke Studios v MTV Chapter 5. Success Stories What’s the measure of success? Examples of co-branding in virtual worlds What companies can learn from ’grass-root’ virtual brands Chapter 6. Failure Stories Failure defined What went wrong Lessons learned Chapter 7. New Challenges Virtual world standards (the case of IBM) Intellectual Property Theft Digital Domain Law Hijacked Brands Chapter 8. The Futurist’s Review Reflections on trends, user behaviors and the impact on business and brand strategies Brand Avatar Virtual Worlds Companion Guide Glossary of Terms Author Bio
Om författaren
ALYCIA DE MESA is a brand consultant, author, writer and speaker. Her published works on branding news, trends, analysis and commentary have appeared around the world most notably for and’s Design and Innovation sections. Her book Before The Brand on the principles of brand identity was published by Mc Graw-Hill in 2002. De Mesa’s client list includes companies across industries from Fortune 100 to start-ups, including Xerox, HP, Mc Donald’s, and the Phoenix Coyotes NHL team. Over the last few years, she has been a key speaker at various conferences including Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business Future of Entertainment conference and Paris-based Luxe’s Luxury Branding on the Internet conference.
More on de Mesa Brand Consulting can be found at and Alycia de Mesa’s blog at Alycia de Mesa can also be contacted through relevant social media channels.