Our willpower is limited, yet we rely on it every day to get our tasks done. Even if we build willpower slowly over time, it’s never enough to reach all of our goals. The solution lies in habit creation, the method by which we transform hard tasks into easy ones, making them automatic and independent of our will power. Each of us has millions of habits, in how we do our work, interact with others, perceive the world, and think about ourselves. Left unexamined, these habits are just as likely to hinder our progress as they are to push it along. Without a deliberate system for building habits, we become our own worst enemy.
Inside Master Self-Control, you’ll discover invaluable strategies to:
- Conquer compulsions that hinder your progress toward your goals.
- Resist cravings and resist the allure of temptation.
- Harness your willpower effectively, knowing when to persist and when to let go.
- Develop unstoppable perseverance through four powerful techniques.
- Defeat temptation using proven delay strategies.
- Attain success in relationships, finances, and happiness by delaying instant gratification.
- Break free from your inner saboteur and take absolute control of your life using the Master Self-Control framework.
You are not a hopeless procrastinator. You just need to practice a little self-care through ramping up your morning routine. This process is designed to be enjoyable, rewarding and highly addictive so you won’t want to miss it! Don’t miss this opportunity to makeover your morning routine, motivating you to take action toward your goals.
Chapter 1: The Pattern Of Liquor Dependence
Chapter 2: Liquor Use Jumble Or Alcohol Use Disorder
Chapter 3: What Are The Medicines For Liquor Use Jumble?
Chapter 4: Instructions To Control Your Liquor Consumption And Drink More Responsibly
Chapter 5: Tips To Assist You With Remaining Sober