Part I: Thinking Sociologically
Reading 1: The Sociological Imagination – C. Wright Mills
Reading 2: “Not Your Typical Student”: The Social Construction of the ...
Part I: Thinking Sociologically
Reading 1: The Sociological Imagination – C. Wright Mills
Reading 2: “Not Your Typical Student”: The Social Construction of the “First-Generation” College Student – Tina Wildhagen
Reading 3: W.E.B. Du Bois and Black Heterogeneity: How The Philadelphia Negro Shaped American Sociology – Marcus Anthony Hunter
Reading 4: Sense and Nonsense About Surveys – Howard Schuman
Part II: Culture, Socialization and Interaction
Reading 5: The Presentation of Self – Erving Goffman
Reading 6: Disciplined Preferences: Explaining the (Re)Production of Latino Endogamy – Jessica M. Vasquez
Reading 7: American Hook Up – Lisa Wade
Reading 8: Rethinking Colorblindness: How Role Conflict Shapes Administrators’ Responses to Racial Inequality at a Predominantly White University – Cedrick-Michael Simmons
Reading 9: Neither Clear Nor Present: The Social Construction of Safety and Danger – Ruth Simpson
Part III: Constructing Deviance and Normality
Reading 10: Situational Ethics and College Student Cheating – Emily E. La Beff, Robert E. Clark, Valerie J. Haines, and George M. Diekhoff
Reading 11: The New Jim Crow – Michelle Alexander
Reading 12: Excerpt from Calling the Shots: Why Parents Reject Vaccines – Jennifer A. Reich.
Reading 13: American Policing and the Danger Imperative – Michael Sierra-Arevalo
Part IV: Gender
Reading 14: Doing Gender – Candace West and Don H. Zimmerman
Reading 15: Doing, Undoing, or Redoing Gender? – Catherine Connell
Reading 16: “Out” in the Club: The Down Low, Hip-Hop, and the Architexture of Black Masculinity – Jeffrey Q. Mc Cune
Reading 17: Masculine Norms and Infectious Disease: The Case of COVID-19 – Tyler Reny
Part V: Race
Reading 18: The Code of the Streets – Elijah Anderson
Reading 19: She’s Not a Low Class Dirty Girl – Kimberly Kay Hoang
Reading 20: America for Americans: A history of Xenophobia – Erika Lee
Reading 21: The Political Bind of Oil vs. Tribes – Yvonne P. Sherwood
Part VI: Social Class
Reading 22: Unequal Childhoods – Annette Lareau
Reading 23: Identity Exploration or Labor Market Reaction: Social Class Differences in College Student Participation in Peace Corps, Teach for America, and Other Service Programs – Alanna Gillis
Reading 24: Excerpt from Strangers in Their Own Land – Arlie Russell Hochschild
Reading 25: Excerpt from Uberland: How Algorithms are rewriting the rules of work – Alex Rosenblatt