Författare: Kris Rutten

Kris Rutten is an assistant professor in the Department of Educational Studies of Ghent University and specifically within the research group Culture and Education. He teaches courses on cultural studies, culture and education, and qualitative research methods. Rutten”s research interests are (new) rhetoric, cultural studies, literacy studies, educational theory, and the ethnographic turn in contemporary art. Stefaan Blancke is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Philosophy and Moral Sciences of Ghent University, where he teaches philosophical anthropology. His research focuses on the diffusion of (pseudo-) scientific concepts in the history of science, science education, and the public understanding of science and on the philosophy of cultural evolution. Ronald Soetaert is a professor emeritus in the Department of Educational Studies of Ghent University, where he taught courses on language and literature teaching, cultural studies, culture, media, and education. Soetaert”s ongoing research focuses on education, culture, and media, with a special interest in the rhetorical and narrative turn.

3 E-böcker av Kris Rutten

Kris Rutten & Stefaan Blancke: Perspectives on Science and Culture
Edited by Kris Rutten, Stefaan Blancke, and Ronald Soetaert, Perspectives on Science and Culture explores the intersection between scientific understanding and cultural representation from an interdi …
Jeff Booth: De Prijs van Morgen
We leven in een bijzondere tijd. De technologische vooruitgang gaat sneller dan ons vermogen om het te begrijpen. In een wereld die razendsnel verandert, kunnen we het ons niet veroorloven om stil te …
Saifedean Ammous: De Bitcoin Standaard
Dit is de Nederlandstalige versie van The Bitcoin Standaard, geschreven door Saifedean Ammous. Dit boek is een gids over de geschiedenis van Bitcoin, zijn eigenschappen, gebruikersmogelijkheden en ge …