Ernö Zeltner, Jahrgang 1935, studierte in Budapest ungarische Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaft, später in Wien Germanistik und Theaterwissenschaft. Nach einer erfolgreichen Verlagslaufbahn lebt er seit einigen Jahren als freier Lektor, Übersetzer und Autor in Tirol.
5 E-böcker av Krisztina Tóth
Muyesser Abdul’ehed & Maya Abu Al-Hayat: All Walls Collapse
The history of walls – as a way to keep people in or out – is also the history of people managing to get around, over and under them. From the Berlin Wall and the Mexico-US border, to the barbed wire …
Krisztina Tóth: Panterin sjaj
Čekamo u redu u pošti, kod frizera, u trgovačkom centru; šetamo psa, sami ili u društvu nenadano pronađenog srodnika; promatramo one drugačije odjeće, različitih pogleda i jezika, one druge boje kože …
Gy rgy Spir & Janos Hay: Plays from Contemporary Hungary: Difficult Women and Resistant Dramatic Voices
A unique collection of five contemporary plays from 21st-century Hungary, translated into English for the first time. Written by some of Hungary’s most highly prolific and commercially successful dra …
Gy rgy Spir & Janos Hay: Plays from Contemporary Hungary: Difficult Women and Resistant Dramatic Voices
A unique collection of five contemporary plays from 21st-century Hungary, translated into English for the first time. Written by some of Hungary’s most highly prolific and commercially successful dra …
Krisztina Tóth: My Secret Life
My Secret Life is the first book in English translation by one of the leading Hungarian poets of the generation who began publishing in the late 1980s. The recipient of many awards, Krisztina T …