This book presents one possible pathway towards the advancement of translanguaging pedagogies: teacher–researcher partnerships. Although the existing literature alludes to the value of such partnerships, there is a lack of research that explicitly describes the complex processes of designing and implementing translanguaging pedagogies in primary and secondary school settings (K-12) across various international contexts. Through an expanded focus on teacher–researcher collaboration and the negotiation process, the book unpacks the opportunities and challenges of engaging in contextualized translanguaging designs with reference to broader ideological discourses and systemic structures. By promoting and highlighting teacher–researcher partnerships as one avenue for improvement and transparency, the chapters in this book demonstrate the potential of translanguaging pedagogies in classrooms and further resist the linguistic hierarchies that exist in educational institutions today.
Leah Shepard-Carey and Zhongfeng Tian: Preface
Ofelia García: Foreword: Doing Translanguaging Research/Teaching/Learning Juntos: A Preface to Teacher–Researcher Collaboration
Leah Shepard-Carey and Zhongfeng Tian: Introduction: Teacher–Researcher Collaboration as a Pathway
for Sustaining Translanguaging Pedagogies
Chapter 1. Susana Ibarra Johnson, Mishelle Jurado, Maria Elena Orozco and Michele Trujillo: Transladoras Sin Fronteras: Merging Linguistic Borderlands to Take Up Students’ Translanguaging Corriente
Chapter 2. Shakina Rajendram: Implementing a Collaborative Translanguaging Pedagogy in an Elementary ESL Classroom in Malaysia through Teacher–Researcher Collaboration
Chapter 3. Sunny Man Chu Lau, Marsha Jing-Ji Liaw and Maria José Botelho: ’Did you get what you want?’: Negotiating Critical Translanguaging Teaching and Research in Dual Language Classrooms
Chapter 4. Lena Cataldo-Schwarzl and Elizabeth J. Erling: Moving towards Translanguaging Pedagogies: Insights from a Teacher–Researcher Collaboration in Vienna
Chapter 5. Laura Hamman-Ortiz: ’Because We Are Bilingual’: Transcending Binaries in Two-Way Immersion through Collaborative Bilingual Identity Texts
Chapter 6. Sally Brown and Margarita Pomare-Mc Donald: Translanguaging Spaces for Student Literacy Learning: A Researcher–Teacher Partnership
Chapter 7. Toni Dobinson, Stephanie Dryden, Gerard Winkler, Paul Gardner and Paul Mercieca: Towards Translingualism? Collaboration Between University and School Teacher-Researchers in an Australian Multilingual Primary School
Chapter 8. Kao Chia-Ling Gupta and Angel M.Y. Lin: Adopting Translanguaging Pedagogies in Critical Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Using Social Issues as the Context: A Teacher–Researcher Collaborative Approach
Chapter 9. Ralph Vacca, Sara Vogel, Laura Ascenzi-Moreno and Christopher Hoadley: Acompañamiento: Centering Vulnerability and Agency in Co-Designing Computing and Translanguaging Curriculum with Teachers
Chapter 10. Caitlin G. Mc C. Fine, Haeyoung Littich, and Maren Getz: (Trans)formative Assessment Co-design Cycles: Translanguaging Stances and Shifts in a Science Teacher–Researcher Collaboration
Chapter 11. Derek Braun, Brian Seilstad and Somin Kim: What Teacher–Researcher Collaboration Creates: Reflections on Translanguaging Pedagogies from a Central Ohio Adolescent Newcomer Program
Chapter 12. Ashlyn Pierson: Translanguaging and Scientific Modeling in an English-Dominant STEM Classroom
Kate Seltzer: Afterword
Om författaren
Zhongfeng Tian is Assistant Professor of TESOL/Applied Linguistics at the University of Texas at San Antonio, USA. His research centers on working with pre- and in-service teachers to provide bi/multilingual students with equitable and inclusive learning environments in ESL and dual language immersion contexts. He is the co-editor of two books Envisioning TESOL through a Translanguaging Lens (Springer, 2020) and English-Medium Instruction and Translanguaging (Multilingual Matters, 2021).