Lefty Kreh’s original edition of Fly Fishing in Salt Water pioneered a new territory for fly fishers. With over thirty thousand copies sold and the content fully updated, revised, and expanded, this third edition is the saltwater fly fisher’s bible, based on firsthand experience by an acknowledged master. In clear, practical terms and with helpful photographs and line drawings, Lefty Krehs Fly Fishing in Salt Water treats the techniques needed to catch all the major saltwater spec...
Lefty Kreh’s original edition of Fly Fishing in Salt Water pioneered a new territory for fly fishers. With over thirty thousand copies sold and the content fully updated, revised, and expanded, this third edition is the saltwater fly fisher’s bible, based on firsthand experience by an acknowledged master. In clear, practical terms and with helpful photographs and line drawings, Lefty Krehs Fly Fishing in Salt Water treats the techniques needed to catch all the major saltwater speciesbonefish, tarpon, striped bass, bluefish, salmon, permit, snook, sharks, cobia, tuna, billfish, and more. The book shows how to fish from boats and how to wade the flats, and fully explains all the tackle needed and how to use it for specific jobsthe rods, the lines and leaders, and the flies (shown in full color). Lefty provides superb advice about how to make the long casts necessary for fishing the fly in salt water, how to tease sailfish and other large fish to within fly-casting range, how to chum, and how to tie the necessary knots for saltwater fishing. Chapter topics include Knots and Leaders, Flies, Tackle, Inshore Fly Fishing, and Boats.