Wh-movement-the phenomenon by which interrogative words appear at the beginning of interrogative sentences-is one of the central displacement operations of human language. Noam Chomsky’s 1977 paper "On Wh-Movement, " a landmark in the study of wh-movement (and movement in general), showed that this computational operation is the basis of a variety of syntactic constructions that had previously been described in terms of construction-specific rules. Taking Chomsky’s paper as a star...
Wh-movement-the phenomenon by which interrogative words appear at the beginning of interrogative sentences-is one of the central displacement operations of human language. Noam Chomsky’s 1977 paper "On Wh-Movement, " a landmark in the study of wh-movement (and movement in general), showed that this computational operation is the basis of a variety of syntactic constructions that had previously been described in terms of construction-specific rules. Taking Chomsky’s paper as a starting point, the contributors to this collection reconsider a number of the issues raised in "On Wh-Movement" from the perspective of contemporary Minimalist syntactic theory (which explores the thesis that human language is a system optimally designed to meet certain interface conditions imposed by other cognitive systems with which the language faculty interacts). They discuss such wh-movement issues as wh-phrases and pied-piping, the formation of A-bar chains and the copy theory of movement, cyclicity and locality of wh-movement, and the typology of wh-constructions. By reconsidering core characteristics of the wh-movement operation first systematically discussed by Chomsky from the Minimalist perspective, this volume contributes to the further development of the theory of wh-movement and to the general theory of movement.Contributors Brian Agbayani, Lisa Lai-Shen Cheng, Sandra Chung, Norbert Corver, Caterina Donati, Kleanthes K. Grohmann, Toru Ishii, Heejeong Ko, Howard Lasnik, Philip Le Sourd, Chris H. Reintges, Luigi Rizzi, Balazs Suranyi, Akira Watanabe, Henrietta Yang