When Your Rabbit Needs Special Care is an illustrated guide to the care and behavior of rabbits with special needs. The book provides information on topics as diverse as how to administer subcutaneous fluids to a rabbit and how sounds and color help promote healing.
Quotes from top rabbit veterinarians and alternative healing practitioners from across the country are included, as are useful tips from rabbit owners who have had experience in dealing with particular medical conditions. The text is illustrated with both photographs and drawings, making it easy for readers to follow.
Authors Lucile C. Moore and Kathy Smith provide pet owners with special-needs rabbits with information on basic care, pain control, digestive system problems, chronic illnesses, physically challenged rabbits, progressive disabilities causing mobility problems, dental care, elderbuns, and emotional issues.
Om författaren
Lucile C. Moore, Ph D, is the author of
A House Rabbit Primer and numerous articles on the history, folklore, and care of rabbits. In the course of her combined professional and personal lives she has cared for over 750 domestic rabbits of various breeds, and currently shares her home with fourteen house rabbits. She lives on ten acres outside Kanab, Utah, among a host of jackrabbits and cottontails.
Kathy Smith is the author of
Rabbit Health in the 21st Century, which she wrote after losing her beloved rabbit, Smokey, to cancer. The medical challenges of another very special bunny, Murray, led Kathy to begin using alternative treatments in conjunction with traditional veterinary care.