Författare: Luis A. Santamaria

The author I have been a freelance writer for eight years. I invest all my imagination in inventing original and powerful stories, and I dedicate the time to narrate them. I do it because I love it. It all started in a solitary apartment on the outskirts of Madrid, where, on a typical winter night, I decided to create a link between my restless mind and paper. That day was the beginning of the first pages to be written of what many months later would become my first novel: Reflections in the Mirror. The experience was so enriching that, in a show of madness, I wagered I could write a series of thrillers. The secret of Oli was the first volume, and later the book that you have in your hands arrived. During these years, literature has given me vital experiences such as book signings, radio and television interviews, visits to schools and a literary blog of my own. I have also witnessed how my novels remained weeks at the top rankings of the most sold ebooks on Amazon. I assure you that modesty surpasses pride. I promise to continue learning and give the maximum in the next books, which I hope you will be as excited or more excited than the previous ones. As always, I take the opportunity to apologize if you have found an error in the text, because it will have been my fault. Your review and comment will be a great gift. Nothing will help this novel more than a review on Amazon or a sincere recommendation on social networks. And above all, THANK YOU for having trusted my novel and for having come this far. If you want to keep in touch with me and receive by email all my literary novelties, scoops and exclusive gifts, you can sign up to my newsletter. I promise not to spam and to answer all your emails: http://eepurl.com/bVcrf5. www.luisalbertosantamaria.com https://twitter.com/Luis_A_Stamaria https://www.facebook.com/LuisAStmaria/

6 E-böcker av Luis A. Santamaria

Luis A. Santamaria: As asas da borboleta
A teoria do caos estabelece o “efeito borboleta” baseado no seguinte proverbio chinês: O simples bater de asas de uma borboleta pode mudar o mundo. Certo dia do verão de 2006, quando o pequeno Oli se …
Luis A. Santamaria: Reflexos no Espelho
Já pensou alguma vez de que forma o azar pode lhe ensinar como é a sua vida na realidade? Sabe realmente o que tem em frente aos olhos? Que valor dá a isso? Daniel Santos é um jovem que não vê nada a …
Luis Alberto Santamaria: Butterfly Effect
A gripping thriller with a shocking twist!The chaos theory establishes the "butterfly effect" based on the following Chinese proverb:The simple flutter of a butterfly can change the world O …
Luis A. Santamaria: Reflections in the Mirror
What if fate made you see what your life was really like? Do you really know what you have right in front of your eyes? And do you really appreciate it? Daniel Santos is a young man who does nothing …
Luis A. Santamaria: Il segreto di Oli
“Vi racconterò la storia di come sono stato completamente raggirato dalla persona che più amavo”.Così Alfonso Morales inizia a narrare come, 23 anni prima, si è visto immerso in un’atipica storia con …
Luis A. Santamaria: Undisclosed
UNDISCLOSEDHow far would you get to help a stranger?Your bedroom is your shelter. There, in front of the computer screen, no one can hurt you. Are you sure, though?Carlos is a loser. The content of h …