Författare: Lyndon Way

Lyndon C.S. Way (MA, Ph D) is a lecturer in Communications and Media within the Discourse and Society research cluster at the University of Liverpool. Previously, he has lectured at five universities in the UK, Canada, Cyprus and Turkey, including Liverpool Hope University, Izmir University of Economics, the European University of Lefke, the University of Windsor and Concordia University. He has also held a large number of positions as a newsroom, music and media practitioner.

3 E-böcker av Lyndon Way

Lyndon Way: Analysing Politics and Protest in Digital Popular Culture
Supporting you with varied features throughout, this intriguing new book provides a foundational understanding of politics and protest before focusing on step-by-step instructions for carrying out an …
Lyndon Way: Analysing Politics and Protest in Digital Popular Culture
Supporting you with varied features throughout, this intriguing new book provides a foundational understanding of politics and protest before focusing on step-by-step instructions for carrying out an …
Lyndon Way: Analysing Politics and Protest in Digital Popular Culture
Supporting you with varied features throughout, this intriguing new book provides a foundational understanding of politics and protest before focusing on step-by-step instructions for carrying out an …