Build Your Skills with Hundreds of Helpful Ideas from Two Auto CADSuperstars
Two Auto CAD experts distill years of combined experience intohundreds of the most useful Auto CAD tips and techniques you’ll everfind. Fun, easy to read, and packed with information, thisbeautiful guide equips you with inside tricks on critical Auto CADfeatures and functions–all in fast, easy-to-digest nuggets.Discover keyboard shortcuts and little-known system variables orpunch up your style with expert tips on visualizing, publishing, and 3D modeling. No matter what your experience level, you’re sureto increase productivity and master professional-level techniqueswith this lively, practical book.
* Tweak Windows(r) and Auto CAD to get the UI you want
* Handle layers and select objects like a pro
* Create dimensions, hatch patterns, and text correctly the firsttime
* Comprehend the complexities of Sheet Sets and Paperspace
* Unleash the power of dynamic blocks
* Get visualization tips from the experts
* Plot or publish in the background while you keep drawing
* Take control of Auto CAD with customization techniques
* Master the friendly new world of 3D in Auto CAD 2007
Chapter 1 Arranging the Auto CAD User Interface.
Chapter 2 Drawing and Editing.
Chapter 3 Annotation.
Chapter 4 Layouts and Sheets.
Chapter 5 Dynamic Blocks.
Chapter 6 3D Modeling.
Chapter 7 Visualization.
Chapter 8 Sharing Data.
Chapter 9 Plotting and Publishing.
Chapter 10 Customization.
Om författaren
Lynn Allen is Autodesk’s technical evangelist and speaks tomore than 30, 000 Auto CAD users worldwide each year. She also writesa popular column in Cadalyst magazine, maintains a very popular Auto CAD-related blog, has authored several Auto CAD books, andtaught at the university level for 14 years.
Scott Onstott is a book and video author, formeruniversity instructor, technical editor, and consultant. Scott isan Autodesk Authorized Author and has contributed to over two dozenbooks and videos on Auto CAD, Architectural Desktop, VIZ Render, Revit, 3ds Max, VIZ, Photoshop, Illustrator, Painter, Fireworks, and Dreamweaver. He most recently wrote Mastering Architectural Desktop 2006.