Provides a resource of wise praxis and reflection in the context of organisational complexity for managers, researchers and teachers in management education. Offers various explications and applications of Aristotle’s notion of phronèsis (practical wisdom) and reflects on the responsibilities of companies and education institutions towards society.
1. Wise Management in Organisational Complexity: an Introduction; Mike Thompson and David Bevan 2. The Multi-Dimensional Character of Wisdom; Bernard Mc Kenna 3. Empirical Wisdom Research: A Community Approach; David Rooney 4. In Praise of Strategic Indirection: Towards a Non-Instrumental Understanding of Phronèsis as Practical Wisdom; Robert Chia, Robin Holt and Li Yuan 5. From the Financial Crisis to Wise Management: The Relevance of the ’Return to Aristotle’; Jean-Jacques Rosé and François Lépineux 6. ’To know as we are known:’ Locating an ancient alternative to virtues; Mark Strom 7. Wise and Virtuous Leadership: The Contribution of Confucian Values to Business Leadership; Li Yuan 8. Wang Dao Management as Wise Management; Po Keung Ip 9. Wicked Problem: Educating for Complexity and Wisdom; Jay Hays 10. In Search of Wisdom; John Little 11. Giving Voice To Values: An Innovative Pedagogy for Values-Driven Leadership Education; Mary C. Gentile 12. Hearing voices: Wisdom, Responsibility and Leadership; Simon Robinson 13. Managerial Wisdom in Corporate Governance: The (ir)relevance of Accountability and Responsibility at Corporate Boards; Peter Verhezen
Om författaren
Robert Chia, China Europe International Business School, China Mary C. Gentile, Babson College, USA Jay Hays, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia Robin Holt, University of Liverpool, UK Po-Keung Ip, National Central University, Taiwan François Lépineux, ESC Rennes School of Business, France John Little, Australian Catholic University, Australia Bernard Mc Kenna, University of Queensland, Australia Simon Robinson, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK David Rooney, University of Queensland, Australia Jean-Jacques Rosé, Norbert Elias Centre, France Mark Strom, Advisor to corporate, government, and community leaders and organisations, worldwide Peter Verhezen, University of Antwerp, Belgium Li Yuan, Renmin University of China, China