Författare: Maarten J. Verkerk

Maarten J. Verkerk é professor adjunto de filosofia reformacional na University of Technology of Eindhoven e na Maastricht University, na Holanda. Jan Hoogland é professor adjunto de filosofia reformacional na University of Twente e professor de educação formativa na Viaa University of Applied Sciences, na Holanda. Jan van der Stoep detém a cadeira de mídia, religião e cultura na Ede Christian University of Applied Sciences, na Holanda. Marc J. de Vries é professor de ciência e educação tecnológica e professor adjunto de filosofia cristã na Delft University of Technology, na Holanda.

4 E-böcker av Maarten J. Verkerk

Jan (Twente University, the Netherlands) Hoogland & Maarten (Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands) Verkerk: Philosophy of Technology
Philosophy of Technology: An introduction for technology and business students is an accessible guide to technology’s changes , their ubiquitousness, and the many questions these raise. Designed for …
Jan (Twente University, the Netherlands) Hoogland & Maarten (Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands) Verkerk: Philosophy of Technology
Philosophy of Technology: An introduction for technology and business students is an accessible guide to technology’s changes , their ubiquitousness, and the many questions these raise. Designed for …
Antonio Carlos Zambroni de Souza & Maarten J. Verkerk: Interdisciplinary and Social Nature of Engineering Practices
This book covers practical and philosophical aspects of Engineering, paying special attention to the social impacts of emerging technologies. Some fundamentals of philosophy of technology are introdu …
Maarten J. Verkerk & Jan Hoogland: Filosofia da Tecnologia 
A tecnologia tem feito (e confundido) a cabeça de muitos. O mundo muda rapidamente e acompanhar as mudanças não é apenas comprar a última versão do celular ou do aplicativo da moda. Apresentado por u …