Combinatorial optimization algorithms are used in many applications including the design, management, and operations of communication networks. The objective of this book is to advance and promote the theory and applications of combinatorial optimization in communication networks. Each chapter of the book is written by an expert dealing with theoretical, computational, or applied aspects of combinatorial optimization.
Topics covered in the book include the combinatorial optimization problems arising in optical networks, wireless ad hoc networks, sensor networks, mobile communication systems, and satellite networks. A variety of problems are addressed using combinatorial optimization techniques, ranging from routing and resource allocation to Qo S provisioning.
Combinatorial Optimization in Wireless Networks.- Topology Control in Wireless Multihop Networks.- Combinatorial Evolutionary Methods in Wireless Mobile Computing.- Optimal Server Allocation in Wireless Networks: The Use of Index Policies.- Performance Optimization Using Multipath Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc and Wireless Sensor Networks.- Ad Hoc Networks: Optimization Problems and Solution Methods.- Stochastic Programming in Allocation Policies for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks.- Selecting Working Sensors in Wireless Sensor Networks.- Quality of Service Provisioning for Adaptive Multimedia in Mobile/Wireless Networks.- MAC-Throughput Analysis of CDMA Wireless Networks Based on a Novel Collision Model.- Information-Directed Routing in Sensor Networks Using Real-Time Reinforcement Learning.- Qo S Provisioning Strategies in LEO Satellite Networks.- Quasi-Optimal Resource Allocation in Multispot MFTDMA Satellite Networks.- Combinatiorial Optimization in Optical and Interconnection Networks.- Optimization Techniques for Survivable Optical Networks.- WDM Switching Networks: Complexity and Constructions.- Topological Properties of Interconnection Networks.- Some Bounded Degree Communication Networks and Optimal Leader Election.- Combinatorial Optimization in Other Network Applications.- Routing Optimization in Communication Networks.- Stretch-Optimal Scheduling for On-Demand Data Broadcasts.- Dynamic Simulcasting: Design and Optimization.- Optimization of Failure Recovery in High-Speed Networks.- An Approximation Algorithm for the Dynamic Facility Location Problem.- Genetic Code-Based DNA Computation for the Hamiltonian Path Problem.