Författare: Mara Viveros-Vigoya

Mara Viveros-Vigoya is Full Professor in the Faculty of Human Sciences at the National University of Colombia, where she has taught in the Department of Anthropology (1998-2017) and in the School of Gender Studies, of which she is co-founder and has been its director three times. 

4 E-böcker av Mara Viveros-Vigoya

Mara Viveros Vigoya: El oxímoron de las clases medias negras
Abordar la existencia de unas clases medias negras en Colombia no sólo es difícil sino un aparente contrasentido, un oxímoron, porque la gente negra es imaginada como inevitablemente pobre y de »clas …
Gurminder Bhambra & Lucy Mayblin: The Sage Handbook of Global Sociology
The SAGE Handbook of Global Sociology addresses the ‘social’, its various expressions globally, and the ways in which such understandings enable us to understand and account for global structures and …
Gurminder Bhambra & Lucy Mayblin: The Sage Handbook of Global Sociology
The SAGE Handbook of Global Sociology addresses the ‘social’, its various expressions globally, and the ways in which such understandings enable us to understand and account for global structures and …