Författare: Marcia Texler Segal


23 E-böcker av Marcia Texler Segal

Esther Ngan-Ling Chow & Tan Lin: Analyzing Gender, Intersectionality, and Multiple Inequalities
The papers in this volume were selected and revised from among those presented at the conference "Gender and Social Transformation: Global, Transnational, and Local Realities and Perspectives&qu …
Esther Ngan-Ling Chow & Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos: Social Production and Reproduction at the Interface of Public and Private Spheres
This volume examines the ways individuals, families and societies strive to balance paid and unpaid labor, engage in parenting and accomplish other care-work, seek education for themselves and their …
Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos & Marcia Texler Segal: Gendered Perspectives on Conflict and Violence
The chapters in this two-part volume deal with a range of gender-based violence issues that are making news headlines daily. In Part A the contributors address the ways in which wartime rape is treat …
Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos & Marcia Texler Segal: Gendered Perspectives on Conflict and Violence
A global discourse regarding gender and violence is emerging as feminists, media experts, and social scientists consider the place of gender in episodic acts and chronic conditions of violence. The c …
Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos & Marcia Texler Segal: At the center
At the Center reflects on how the study of gender has changed and how studying gender has affected our research methods and our knowledge of the world around us. In honor of Bell Hooks” prophetic wo …
Vasilikie (Vicky) (University of Minnesota, USA) Demos & Marcia Texler (Indiana University Southeast, USA) Segal: Gender and Food
Volume 22 explores the complex relationships between gender and food in a variety of locations and time periods using a range of research methods. Authors show that gender inequality and men’s domina …
Vasilikie (Vicky) (University of Minnesota Morris, USA) Demos & Marcia Texler (Indiana University Southeast, USA) Segal: Gender Panic, Gender Policy
Using diverse theories and methods including analysis of online data, feminist critical discourse, fieldwork, grounded theory, and queer theory, this edited volume explores gender panic and policy in …
Vasilikie (Vicky) (University of Minnesota Morris, USA) Demos & Marcia Texler (Indiana University Southeast, USA) Segal: Gender Panic, Gender Policy
Using diverse theories and methods including analysis of online data, feminist critical discourse, fieldwork, grounded theory, and queer theory, this edited volume explores gender panic and policy in …
Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos & Marcia Texler Segal: Gender and the Media
Media images shape and are shaped by society. They reflect the ways in which the social order changes and stays the same. The contributors to Gender and the Media: Women’s Places consider a variety o …
Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos & Marcia Texler Segal: Gender and the Media
Media images shape and are shaped by society. They reflect the ways in which the social order changes and stays the same. The contributors to Gender and the Media: Women’s Places consider a variety o …
Vasilikie (Vicky) (University of Minnesota Morris, USA) Demos & Kristy E. (Columbia University and Drexel University, USA) Kelly: Gender and Practice
UN Sustainable Development Goal 5: Achieve Gender Equality and Empower All Women and Girls.  In Gender and Practice: Insights from the Field, twelve chapters contribute to the creation of an ac …
Vasilikie (Vicky) (University of Minnesota Morris, USA) Demos & Kristy E. (Columbia University and Drexel University, USA) Kelly: Gender and Practice
UN Sustainable Development Goal 5: Achieve Gender Equality and Empower All Women and Girls.  In Gender and Practice: Insights from the Field, twelve chapters contribute to the creation of an ac …
Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos & Marcia Texler Segal: Advancing Gender Research from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Centuries
Volume 12 consists of fourteen original essays by multi-national and multi-disciplinary scholars. Four discuss and analyze the 19th Century writings of Harriet Martineau (British Author), considered …
Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos & Marcia Texler Segal: Perceiving Gender Locally, Globally, and Intersectionally
The introduction and 10 essays in this volume address questions about how feminist scholars conceptualize gender and view it in relationship to other attributes of individuals and of social systems. …
Marcia Texler Segal: Interactions and Intersections of Gendered Bodies at Work, at Home, and at Play
The articles in the volume examine the intersection of gender with other characteristics in a variety of settings including factory floors and corporate offices, welfare offices, state legislatures, …
Vasilikie (Vicky) (University of Minnesota Morris, USA) Demos & Kristy E. (Columbia University and Drexel University, USA) Kelly: Gender and Practice
This book contains an Open Access Chapter   In 1995, the Fourth World Conference on Women: Action for Equality, Development and Peace affirmed the need to address gender inequalities and foster …
Vasilikie (Vicky) (University of Minnesota Morris, USA) Demos & Kristy E. (Columbia University and Drexel University, USA) Kelly: Gender and Practice
This book contains an Open Access Chapter   In 1995, the Fourth World Conference on Women: Action for Equality, Development and Peace affirmed the need to address gender inequalities and foster …
Vasilikie (Vicky) (University of Minnesota, Morris, USA) Demos & Marcia Texler (Indiana University Southeast, USA) Segal: Gender and Generations
This volume focuses on the ways in which gender interacts with generation. Developed as the contributors and editors lived through the Covid-19 pandemic, the chapters offer a timely examination of ge …
Vasilikie (Vicky) (University of Minnesota, Morris, USA) Demos & Marcia Texler (Indiana University Southeast, USA) Segal: Gender and Generations
This volume focuses on the ways in which gender interacts with generation. Developed as the contributors and editors lived through the Covid-19 pandemic, the chapters offer a timely examination of ge …
Vasilikie (Vicky) (University of Minnesota Morris, USA) Demos & Marcia Texler (Indiana University Southeast, USA) Segal: Gender Visibility and Erasure
Gender can be rendered invisible when the gendered nature of institutions is ignored or when the genders of participants in events or movements are not identified. The genders of non-binary and gende …
Vasilikie (Vicky) (University of Minnesota Morris, USA) Demos & Marcia Texler (Indiana University Southeast, USA) Segal: Gender Visibility and Erasure
Gender can be rendered invisible when the gendered nature of institutions is ignored or when the genders of participants in events or movements are not identified. The genders of non-binary and gende …
Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos & Marcia Texler Segal: People, Spaces and Places in Gendered Environments
Intersectional in approach, this volume of Advances in Gender Research offers an overview of the ways in which environments – broadly defined to include social, natural and built territories, domains …
Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos & Marcia Texler Segal: People, Spaces and Places in Gendered Environments
Intersectional in approach, this volume of Advances in Gender Research offers an overview of the ways in which environments – broadly defined to include social, natural and built territories, domains …