Emotional ecology is the art of sustainably managing our emotional world so that our affective energy serves us to grow as individuals, enhance the quality of our personal relationships, and improve the world we live in.
Emotional ecology offers a new, creative, and revolutionary approach in emotional education that simultaneously addresses emotional and environmental educational aspects, aiming to shape a new model of person: the emotionally ecological person.
In this volume, we will discuss emotional meteorology. We will learn that the emotional climate is the result of the emotions we each emit. These emotions can combine, interfere, accumulate, or quickly spread, and they can improve or worsen the emotional climate of our ecosystem—be it familial, educational, or social. Are you interested in learning strategies to prevent emotional pollution, avoid ’tsunamis, ’ and protect yourselves from emotional acid rain?
Emotional Meteorology
What kind of weather is dominant on our inner planet? How does our inner climate influence the outside planet where others live?
Is our inner weather predominantly sunny or overcast? Is it too hot? Are hurricanes and tsunamis commonplace? Would you like to live there?
Contaminated planets
Our planet is warming up. Do you know what is causing this contamination? What about our inner planet? It is becoming more difficult to cope with the urgency, aggression, and demands of everyday life. The emotional ecologist will strongly assert: ’Do I pollute? No thanks!’
Sometimes our emotions overwhelm and smother us, as if they were a real tsunami. They take control of our behavior, causing us to weep, shout, and hurl insults. We cease to be the person we normally are, becoming like an uncontrolled animal. Here we will learn some strategies to redirect this emotional chaos.
Acid Rain
Sometimes we travel through alien territories where our emotional management fails us. These places are full of pollutants and toxins, and they shower passersby with emotional trash. Carrying a well-made umbrella of self-esteem will help us protect ourselves from contamination.
Reduce, Recycle, Reuse, and Repair
Every day we produce garbage of all kinds, including emotional garbage. Emotional ecologists are committed to sustainability and are responsible for disposing of their own garbage daily. They practice emotional hygiene, which means they classify their emotional garbage in order to reduce, recycle, and transform it.
Om författaren
Maria Mercè Conangla and Jaume Soler are psychologists and the founders of the Fundació Àmbit institute for personal development in Barcelona (Spain), a non-profit organization that has specialized in providing training, counseling, and resources for personal growth, education, and emotional management since 1996. Two of its innovative projects are the ÀMBITuniversit@rtdelviure program and its Master's in Emotional Ecology, which the authors co-direct. Their research and work in the context of humanist psychology and emotional management led them to develop a new concept of emotional ecology in 2002, which they have since advocated in eleven co-authored books. Both are lecturers and collaborating professors in a variety of master's degrees linked to emotional management, well-being, and personal growth at the University of Barcelona.