An epidemic of boredom is spreading through our nation’s secondary schools and colleges. Students across America are disengaged at depressingly high levels; they are continually distracted; and they often see their education as a series of dull and uninspiring classes that they simply must endure. Is there any hope for this bored and distracted generation? Can teachers turn the tide of the boredom epidemic by making their classrooms places of excitement and inspiration?
Yes, they can. This book offers teachers a straightforward and intuitive approach to increase student engagement in the classroom. Drawing on the latest research and several decades of experience in teacher education, this book shows how teachers can make their classrooms inspiring and transformative places of learning. This guidance comes in the form of a simple four-step framework that teachers can begin immediately applying in their classrooms. The four step framework is not just effective instruction-it’s teaching that transforms.
1 Introduction
- Our Educational Predicament 1
- What We Mean by the ’Best’ 4
- Our Approach 4
- Research-Based Teaching 6
- Who This Book Is For 8
2 Getting Started with the Framework
- The Four-Step Framework 10
- Prerequisite #1: What Students Really Want 13
- Prerequisite #2: The Hardest Class They’ve Ever Taken 16
- Prerequisite #3: The Power of Persona 18
- Prerequisite #4: Taking the Long View 19
- Applying the Framework 21
3 The Hook
- The Hook in Action: James’ High School English Class 24
- Understanding James’ Hook 30
- The Hook in Action: Mariela’s Middle School Science Class 32
- Understanding Mariela’s Hook 38
- Planning a Successful Hook in Your Classroom 39
- Troubleshooting the Hook 43
4 The Pitch
- The Pitch in Action: Jenn’s High School Mathematics Class 48
- Understanding Jenn’s Pitch 55
- The Pitch in Action: Devin’s College Philosophy Class 57
- Understanding Devin’s Pitch 64
- Planning a Successful Pitch in Your Classroom 66
- Troubleshooting the Pitch 69
5 The Awakening
- The Awakening in Action: Mei’s College Education Class 75
- Understanding Mei’s Awakening 85
- The Awakening in Action: Tariq’s High School Physics Class 87
- Understanding Tariq’s Awakening 95
- Planning a Successful Awakening in Your Classroom 97
- Troubleshooting the Awakening 101
6 The Strengthening
- The Strengthening in Action: Margaret’s High School English Class 108
- Understanding Margaret’s Strengthening 116
- The Strengthening in Action: Terrell’s Middle School Social Studies Class 118
- Understanding Terrell’s Strengthening 124
- Planning a Successful Strengthening in Your Classroom 126
- Troubleshooting the Strengthening 129
7 All Four Steps in Action
- The Hook 135
- The Pitch 136
- The Awakening 138
- The Strengthening 144
- Worksheet for Planning the Four Steps 146
8 Conclusion
- Using the Four-Step Framework for Planning Individual Lessons 151
- The Four-Step Framework in Different Cultural Contexts 154
- Learning to Love Your Subject Matter and Your Students 156
- The Point of This Book 158
9 Frequently Asked Questions
- Do the Four Steps Increase Teacher Professionalism? 160
- Do the Four Steps Increase Intrinsic Motivation? 162
- Do the Four Steps Support Lifelong Learning? 164
- Do the Four Steps Advance Educational Equity? 166
- Are the Four Steps Helpful for Increasing Academic Performance? 168
- Are the Four Steps Suitable for Diverse Classrooms? 170