Författare: Mark Rowe

Dr Mark Rowe has been a practising family physician for over 20 years. He is the founder of the Waterford Health Park. After his own experience of burnout, Dr Rowe became one of the first medical doctors in Ireland to study lifestyle medicine. He has a strong desire to change the culture of ‘a pill for every ill’ and advocates lifestyle change as the best medicine for lasting wellbeing.

11 E-böcker av Mark Rowe

Mark Rowe: Don’t Panic
Between May and October 1940, following Hitler’s invasion of western Europe and the evacuation of the Expeditionary Force from Dunkirk, it was feared that the Germans would invade Britain. Over a mil …
Yoshiaki Iwamura & Mark Rowe: Somatosensory Processing
The diversity of contemporary investigative approaches included in this volume provides an exciting account of our current understanding of brain mechanisms responsible for sensory and perceptual exp …
M.W. Rowe: Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst: Virtuoso Violinist
From 1840-57, Heinrich Ernst was one of the most famous and significant European musicians, and performed on stage, often many times, with Berlioz, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Liszt, Wagner, Alkan, Clara Sc …
M.W. Rowe: Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst: Virtuoso Violinist
From 1840-57, Heinrich Ernst was one of the most famous and significant European musicians, and performed on stage, often many times, with Berlioz, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Liszt, Wagner, Alkan, Clara Sc …
Yoshiaki Iwamura & Mark Rowe: Somatosensory Processing
The diversity of contemporary investigative approaches included in this volume provides an exciting account of our current understanding of brain mechanisms responsible for sensory and perceptual exp …
Mark Rowe: Outer Hebrides
Bradt’s new guide to the Outer Hebrides: The Western Isles of Scotland, from Lewis to Barra, by experienced writer and journalist Mark Rowe is the only full-size guide to focus solely on the islands …
Mark Rowe: Victory Tests
One minute before 7pm on Tuesday May 22, 1945, a packed Lord’s roared as Australia beat England in the last over of the first Victory Test. A fortnight after victory in Europe, the result did not mat …
Mark Rowe: 5327
August 1914 is the story of England in that watershed month when the country went from peace to war. It tells of what life was like in a country that looked, and smelt, very different to today. Work …
Mark Rowe: 5327
August 1914 is the story of England in that watershed month when the country went from peace to war. It tells of what life was like in a country that looked, and smelt, very different to today. Work …
Mark Rowe: The Vitality Mark
How can we live with more vitality? How can we wake up each morning feeling optimistic, invigorated and enthusiastic about the day ahead? Through his work as a lifestyle-medicine practitioner and pra …
Mark Rowe: Things Your Future Self Will Thank You For
What small thing can you do today to change your health tomorrow? Take a sauna? Drink great coffee? Make time for awe? As a family doctor, Dr Mark Rowe has seen first-hand the impact of investing in …