Författare: Mark Russell

Jillian has been working with horses her entire life. In her early years and through college, she worked in various disciplines, both training and showing horses in the United States and Germany. After graduating with her undergraduate degree, she continued her education and attained her graduate degree from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, in Life Sciences. Here she studied equine movement, posture, and muscle development. Jillian”s research was guided in part by Dr. Hillary Clayton, Dr. Nancy Nicholson, and Dr. Sara Wyche. Jillian”s conviction is helping riders learn how the horse”s mind and all physical systems of the bodywork in concert to promote healthy riding and training habits, the benefit of which is freedom of movement. Jillian”s deep concern for the health of horses fuels her ongoing study of classical riding and its relationship to sound biomechanics and mental well-being. She continues her riding and in hand education with Manolo Mendez and appeared in his in-hand DVD. She continues to regularly study with Peggy Cummings, creator of Connected Riding, and with Stephanie Millham, long-term student of Master Nuno Oliveira and author of the book The Legacy of Master Nuno Oliveira. Prior to Mark Russell”s death in 2016, Jillian studied extensively with him. ”I began my studies with Mark in 2012. The importance of his teachings in my life as a student and educator are beyond words. He opened many doors for me as I learned about his use of energy to help softly shape horses in hand and under saddle. His instruction will be a guiding light for me every time I put my hands on a horse. It was an honor and privilege to learn from this man and it is my goal to continue forth with his teachings.” Jillian developed and teaches a lecture series entitled ”Understanding Equine Movement to Realize Your Horse”s Potential, ” and she continues as a Connected Riding© Instructor. She teaches her courses and conducts riding clinics around the globe.

14 E-böcker av Mark Russell

Mark Russell: Lessons in Lightness
Lessons in Lightness Full Color Expanded Edition by Mark Russell, published posthumously, further advances the concept of Art Form Riding first presented in the 2004 edition …
Mark Russell: Das Jahr des Schurken
Apex Lex, der vielen Superkriminellen zu neuer Macht verhilft, begibt sich auf eine Reise durch die Welten des Multiversums – und begegnet in Raum und Zeit vielen verschiedenen Lex Luthors! Unterdess …
Mark Russell: Lose Your Belly Diet
Looking for fаѕt and hеаlthу way to lоѕе уоur bеllу? Maybe you have a wedding or оthеr еvеnt соmіng up and want tо lооk leaner аnd ѕеxіеr before the bіg dау аrrіvеѕ. Thеrе are mаnу dіffеrеnt wеіght l …
Mark Russell & Charles Figley: Psychiatric Casualties
The psychological toll of war is vast, and the social costs of war’s psychiatric casualties extend even further. Yet military mental health care suffers from extensive waiting lists, organizational s …
Mark Russell: Swamp Thing: Neue Wurzeln
EIN MONSTER KÄMPFT FÜR DIE NATUR Viele halten Swamp Thing für ein gefährliches Monster. In Wahrheit aber beschützt das Ding aus dem Sumpf die Natur und auch die Menschen. Die Firma Sunderland bedroht …
Mark Russell: Swamp Thing: Neue Wurzeln
EIN MONSTER KÄMPFT FÜR DIE NATUR Viele halten Swamp Thing für ein gefährliches Monster. In Wahrheit aber beschützt das Ding aus dem Sumpf die Natur und auch die Menschen. Die Firma Sunderland bedroht …
Mark Russell: FANTASTIC FOUR – Die Geschichte eines Lebens
1961 liefern sich Ost und West einen Wettlauf ins All. Als Reed Richards,  seine Liebe Sue Storm, ihr Bruder Johnny und Pilot Ben Grimm nach den Sternen greifen, erhalten sie unfassbare Kräfte. Währe …
Mark Russell: FANTASTIC FOUR – Die Geschichte eines Lebens
1961 liefern sich Ost und West einen Wettlauf ins All. Als Reed Richards,  seine Liebe Sue Storm, ihr Bruder Johnny und Pilot Ben Grimm nach den Sternen greifen, erhalten sie unfassbare Kräfte. Währe …
Mark Russell: Red Sonja Vol. 2: The Queen’s Gambit
Acclaimed writer and Eisner nominee MARK RUSSELL (The Wonder Twins, Second Coming) welcomes stunning artist BOB Q (James Bond Origin, The Lone Ranger) for the incredible next chapter of the ongoing s …
Mark Russell: Killing Red Sonja Collection
An all-new story, spinning out of the smash hit RED SONJA title written by MARK RUSSELL!In order to become queen, Sonja The Red had to defeat an evil emperor. But that emperor had a son. And that son …
Mark Russell: Red Sonja Vol. 3: Children’s Crusade Collection
Year Two of MARK RUSSELL’s epic tale kicks off here, joined by artist BOB Q (Captain America, Fantastic Four). In this issue: Sonja The Red has won. Now comes the impossible part… Sonja is queen bu …
Mark Russell: Das Jahr des Schurken
Apex Lex, der vielen Superkriminellen zu neuer Macht verhilft, begibt sich auf eine Reise durch die Welten des Multiversums – und begegnet in Raum und Zeit vielen verschiedenen Lex Luthors! Unterdess …
Mark Russell: Marvel: Retratos vol. 01
Celebre a história da Casa das Ideias! O curador Kurt Busiek e uma fantástica equipe de artistas talentosos trazem uma série de histórias estrelando alguns dos maiores heróis da Marvel, da forma como …
Mark Russell: Der Incal: Psychoversum
Während die zahllosen Lebewesen der Galaxis ihre kläglichen Leben im Reich der Materie fristen, existiert ohne unser Wissen ein Paralleluniversum reinen Potenzials und unendlicher Möglichkeiten: das …