DPR Down Under Volume 2 draws together a spirited collection of papers presented at the Australian Discourse Power and Resistance conference held in Darwin 2012. The volume of work addresses and seeks to contextualise the problematic question “What counts as ‘good’ research and who decides?” Each chapter in this volume, written from differing theoretical and methodological positions articulates a notion of what could be considered as being ‘good’ research and is, in some way involved in speaking a truth back to power. The chapters invite the reader to rethink and reconsider the inherently political, critical and subversive nature of research from a range of critical investigations.
Researching the Researched: What Counts as ‘Good’ and Who Decides?; 2 Misconceptions of Qualitative Research Design: Perspectives of Examiners; 3 Maternal Death in West Timor: Phenomenally Challenging; 4 Becoming Animal: Becoming Writer; 5 The Box of Vegies: Method and Metaphysics in Yolŋu Research; 6 Virtually There: Considering the Research Potential of Cyborgs; 7 Problematic Professional Identity Construction: A Theoretical Exploration; 8 The Problem of Writing as a Solution: Writing Refl exively in Poststructural Terrain; 9 Narrative, Creativity and Collaboration; 10 Reconceptualising the Interview: An Assemblage of Affect; 11 Wrestling Around Neutrality: Ethnovellas and the Need for Loki; 12 Hello Old Friend: Rediscovering Oneself Through a Bricolage of Narrative Methodologies; 13 Battledress and Ghillie Suit for a W(a/o)ndering Girl: (Embodying Good Research: What Counts and Who Decides?); 14 Reading Walls on University Corridors: Transitional Learning Spaces in Campus; 15 Navigating Stories: Finding the Self and Other within Nomad Spaces; 16 Lacking in Discipline: The Researcher in the Age of the Rhizome; 17 Creating a Critical Youth Studies Research Paradigm; 18 Doctoral Education and New Managerialism; 19 Who Decides What Counts as “Proper” Research? An Intercultural Dialogue About Qualitative Methodology Between Australian and Chinese Researchers.