Författare: Markus Braun

Dr. rer. nat. habil. Markus Braun is Head of the Space Life Sciences Program, Space Administration, German Aerospace Center DLR and serves as German delegate of the Human Spaceflight, Microgravity and Exploration Program Board of the European Space Agency ESA. He is appointed faculty member at the University Bonn and coordinator of the Gravitational Biology Group. Special focus of his research is on gravitational biology, plant gravity sensing mechanisms and bioregenerative life support. He was principle investigator of gravitational biology projects conducted on microgravity simulators, sounding rockets, parabolic flights, Space Shuttles, biosatellites and on the International Space Station.   Dr. rer. nat. Maik Böhmer is a lecturer and group leader at the Institute for Plant Biology and Biotechnology at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität (WWU) Münster. He has received his Ph D from the Max-Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research in Cologne and worked as a Ph D fellow at the University of California San Diego. His research topic is plant adaptations to adverse environments, including drought, salinity, pathogens and microgravity. Since 2012 he is involved in gravitational biology research and has been a Principal Investigator (PI) in several micro-g related drop tower and parabolic flight campaigns. Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. Donat-Peter Häder is retired director of the Botanical Institute and Botanical Garden at the Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and held the chair for Ecophysiology. His research focuses on the behavioral, physiological and molecular graviperception mechanisms in microorganisms using parabolic flights, sounding rockets, satellites and the International Space Station (ISS) as well as simulated microgravity. He has been principal investigator (PI) of several micro-g related studies on ground and in space. He is the author of close to 700 publications and has written, translated and edited 28 books. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Ruth Hemmersbach is Head of Division Gravitational Biology and Deputy Director of the Institute of Aerospace Medicine of the German Aerospace Center DLR. Her research topics are related to questions in gravitational biology with a focus on gravisensory mechanisms in single cells. She and her team have developed devices for studies under altered gravity conditions (centrifuges for artificial gravity and microgravity simulators). She has been principle investigator of gravitational biology projects conducted on various platforms providing real microgravity conditions. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Palme is Head of the Department of Botany/Plant Molecular Physiology at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Member of the Board of Directors of the Center for Biosystems Analysis and Member of the Center of Biological Signalling Studies. His research on plant hormone signalling made globally acknowledged breakthroughs fuelling the analysis of this important plant process for many years and by numerous followers around the world. He opened new important fields in plant biology. Many of his more than 200 publications are highly cited. He participated in many Parabolic Flight campaigns and space missions (ISS, MASER, TEXUS).

10 E-böcker av Markus Braun

Stephan Bergamin & Markus Braun: Mergers and Acquisitions
This book brings home the message that meticulous integration management is the key to success in M&A transactions. Half of all M&A transactions are unsuccessful because many companies embarking on a …
Markus Braun & Maik Böhmer: Gravitational Biology I
This book summarizes what is currently known about gravity sensing and response mechanisms in microorganisms, fungi, lower and higher plants; starting from the historical eye-opening experiments from …
Stephan Maibaum & Markus Braun: Therapielexikon der Sportmedizin
Dieses Lexikon enthält alles, was ein Therapeut und Arzt über die Behandlung von Verletzungen des Bewegungsapparats wissen muss. Für die Neuauflage wurde der gesamte Inhalt überarbeitet und durch wei …
Markus Braun & Peter Gilch: Ultrashort Laser Pulses in Biology and Medicine
Sources of ultrashort laser pulses are nowadays commercially available and have entered many areas of research and development. This book gives an overview of biological and medical applications of t …
Helmut Nussbaumer: Ernährungsempfehlungen bei Typ-2-Diabetes
Die effektivste und kosteneffizienteste Behandlung bei Diabetes Typ 2: Ernährungstherapie Konkrete Ernährungsempfehlungen zu über 30 Lebensmitteln und Lebensmittelgruppen
  • Schluss mit altertü …
Markus Braun & Bernd Jagomast: Therapielexikon der Sportmedizin
Wo Sport getrieben wird, ist dieses praktische Therapie- Lexikon sofort einsatzbereit . o Das Lexikon beschreibt in übersichtlich strukturierten Einträgen die typischen Verletzungen des Bewegungsappa …
Stephan Bergamin & Markus Braun: Globalisierung und Digitalisierung
Wie Unternehmen den digitalen und globalen Transformationsprozess erfolgreich meistern  Dieses Buch erläutert, wie nationale und internationale Unternehmen in verschiedenen Branchen den digita …
Günter Ruyters & Markus Braun: Breakthroughs in Space Life Science Research
This last volume of the Springer Briefs in Space Life Sciences series is setup in 5 main parts. The 1st part shortly summarizes the history of life science research in space from the late 40s until t …
Stephan Bergamin & Markus Braun: M&A: Erfolg dank Integrationsmanagement
Wer ein Unternehmen kauft, trifft eine weitreichende und risikobehaftete Entscheidung. Die Vorbereitung und die Durchführung einer Firmenübernahme erfordern viele Ressourcen und spezifische Fähigkeit …