Författare: Mauro Gallegati

Mauro Gallegati is Professor of Economics at the Polytechnic University of Marche (Ancona, Italy). His research includes business fluctuations, nonlinear dynamics, models of financial fragility, and heterogeneous interacting agents. He has published books and many papers in leading journals in the fields of economics, economic history and history of economic analysis, nonlinear mathematics, applied economics, complexity, and econophysics. He has been involved in several international research projects since 2004. Fabio Clementi, Ph D, is Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Macerata (Italy). His main research interests focus on the size distribution of income, wealth and firms, the business cycle analysis, and the empirical validation of agent-based economic models with real-world data. He has also been involved in national and international research projects in the field of agent-based computational economics.

13 E-böcker av Mauro Gallegati

Fabio Clementi & Mauro Gallegati: The Distribution of Income and Wealth
This book presents a systematic overview of cutting-edge research in the field of parametric modeling of personal income and wealth distribution, which allows one to represent how income/wealth is di …
Alessandro Caiani & Alberto Russo: Economics with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents
This book offers a practical guide to Agent Based economic modeling, adopting a “learning by doing” approach to help the reader master the fundamental tools needed to create and analyze Agent Based m …
Mauro Gallegati: Complex Agent-Based Models
This book offers a thorough introduction to the highly promising complex agent-based approach to economics, in which agent-based models (ABMs) are used to represent economic systems as complex and ev …
Domenico Gatti & Edoardo Gaffeo: Emergent Macroeconomics
by exploiting the disequilibrium and non linear relationships among economic aggregates. Prom an empirical point of view, this approach resemblaces the old NBER view, according to which: ’the busines …
Domenico Delli Gatti & Saul Desiderio: Macroeconomics from the Bottom-up
This book arose from our conviction that the NNS-DSGE approach to the analysis of aggregate market outcomes is fundamentally flawed. The practice of overcoming the SMD result by recurring to a fictit …
Mauro Gallegati & Antonio Palestrini: Introduction to Agent-Based Economics
Introduction to Agent-Based Economics describes the principal elements of agent-based computational economics (ACE). It illustrates ACE’s theoretical foundations, which are rooted in the application …
Mauro Gallegati & Corrado Di Guilmi: Interactive Macroeconomics
One of the major problems of macroeconomic theory is the way in which the people exchange goods in decentralized market economies. There are major disagreements among macroeconomists regarding tools …
Mauro Gallegati & Alan P. Kirman: Complex Dynamics of Economic Interaction
This volume contains a selection of contributions presented at the WEHIA02 (Workshop on Economies with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents), which was held at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Ph …
Mauro Gallegati: Il mercato rende liberi
’Non esistono ricette universali, né politiche sempre e comunque superiori alle altre; gli economisti dovrebbero smettere di vendere questa pericolosa illusione alle opinioni pubbliche e ai responsab …
Mauro Gallegati & Pier Giorgio Ardeni: La trappola dell’efficienza
"La trappola dell’efficienza" è una critica di quel modello economico che si basa sull’idea di una crescita illimitata e sull’incessante ricerca dell’efficien …