Författare: Mauro Rossi

Hamid Reza Pourghasemi is an Assistant Professor of Watershed Management Engineering in the College of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Iran. He has a BSc (2004) in watershed management engineering from the University of Gorgan, Iran, a MSc (2008) in watershed management engineering and a Ph D degree (2014) in watershed management engineering from Tarbiat Modares University, Iran. His main research interests are GIS-based spatial modelling using machine learning/data mining techniques in different fields such as landslide susceptibility and hazard, flood, gully erosion, forest fire, and groundwater. Also, Hamid Reza works on multi-criteria decision-making methods in natural resources and environment. He has published more than 70 research papers in different international journals ( h-index 17). Mauro Rossi is a Research Scientist from the “Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche” (CNR) in Roma, Italy. He is pursuing his research at the “Istituto di Ricerca per la Protezione Idrogeologica” (IRPI) in Perugia, Italy. He has diversified research interests mainly focused on mapping, modelling and forecasting of landslides, floods and erosion processes in different geo-environmental and anthropic contexts. Mauro Rossi has developed (i) new methodologies for statistical and deterministic analysis of the susceptibility and hazard posed by different geo-hydrological phenomena and for the estimation of their impacts, (ii) new approaches to the definition of rainfall thresholds for triggering Landslides, (iii) early warning systems, (iv) approaches to the design optimal models for estimating landslide susceptibility and for the assessment of social risk posed by landslides and floods. He has also developed specific software for the landslide susceptibility modelling, for the landslide magnitude modelling and for the joint modelling of landslides and erosion processes in relation to different scenarios of geomorphological, climatic, vegetation and anthropic changes, in order to adequately characterize the hill slopes and the hydrological basins dynamics. He has published more than 150 research papers in many international journals ( h-index 31).

4 E-böcker av Mauro Rossi

Hamid Reza Pourghasemi & Mauro Rossi: Natural Hazards GIS-Based Spatial Modeling Using Data Mining Techniques
This edited volume assesses capabilities of data mining algorithms for spatial modeling of natural hazards in different countries based on a collection of essays written by experts in the field. The …
Mauro Rossi: Storie al volante
Mauro Rossi autista professionista ormai in pensione da una decina di anni, incoraggiato da diversi amici, ha deciso di prendere in mano carta e penna per raccontare in un libro, alcuni degli episodi …
Mauro Rossi: Biotechnological Strategies for the Treatment of Gluten Intolerance
Biotechnological Strategies for the Treatment of Gluten Intolerance provides a comprehensive overview of a wide range of biotechnological approaches that will further research and upon implementation …
Samir Chopra & David Rondel: Moral Psychology of Anxiety
Edited by David Rondel and Samir Chopra, The Moral Psychology of Anxiety presents new work on the causes, consequences, and value of anxiety. Straddling philosophy, psychology, clinical medicine, his …