Författare: Max Krott

Professor Max Krott is director of the Institute for Forest Policy and Nature Conservation at the University of Göttingen, Germany. He is well experienced in forest policy throughout the whole of Europe. He explores the users of the forest and stakeholders comprised of forest owners, associations, political parties, government and administration. The analysis of the informational, economic and regulatory policy instruments covers the formal as well as the informal processes of policy formulation and implementation. The theory based results are highly relevant for forest policy in all European countries whereas the examples are drawn from Germany.

5 E-böcker av Max Krott

Max Krott: Forest Policy Analysis
Although forest policy is an established course in most European university forestry curricula, apart from a special predilection of the teacher, its content varies from country to country according …
Michael Böcher & Max Krott: Science Makes the World Go Round
Researchers in the environmental sciences are often frustrated because actors involved with practice do not follow their advice. This is the starting point of this book, which describes a new model f …
Michael Böcher & Max Krott: Regional Governance und integrierte ländliche Entwicklung
Theo Augustin Liebe Leserinnen, liebe Leser, mit dem Wettbewerb „REGIONEN AKTIV – Land gestaltet Zukunft“ erprobte das Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz (BMELV) ei …
Michael Böcher & Max Krott: Mit Wissen bewegen!
So kann erfolgreicher Wissenstransfer aus den Umweltwissenschaften aussehen: Im Pinzgau arbeiten Bürger Innen mit Forschenden an einer langfristigen Strategie zur Regionalentwicklung. In der Region S …