Författare: Menno Spiering

MATTHEW D”AURIA Teaching Fellow in the German Department, Centre for European Studies at University College London, UK ANNEMARIE VAN HEERIKHUIZEN Lecturer in the Department of European Studies, the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands JAN IFVERSEN Associate Professor of European Studies and Head of History and Regional Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark HENK VAN DER LIET Chair in Scandinavian Studies, the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands MANET VAN MONTFRANS Lecturer in Modern European and French Literature, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands HELLE PORSDAM Chair of American Studies, the University of Copenhagen, Denmark WOLFGANG SCHMALE Chair in Modern and Contemporary History, Vienna University, Austria HAGEN SCHULZ-FORBERG Assistant Professor in International History, Aarhus University, Denmark KAREN-MARGRETHE L. SIMONSEN Associate Professor of Comparative Literature, Aarhus University, Denmark RICARDO GIL SOEIRO Researcher, the Centre for Comparative Studies, the University of Lisbon, Portugal MENNO SPIERING Lecturer in the Department of European Studies, the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands WENDY WEBSTER Professor of Contemporary British History, the University of Central Lancashire, UK JAY WINTER Charles J. Stille Professor of History, Yale University, USA MICHAEL WINTLE Professor of European History, the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands IRENE ZWIEP Chair in Hebrew and Jewish studies, the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands

1 E-böcker av Menno Spiering

Menno Spiering & Michael Wintle: European Identity and the Second World War
The two concepts at the centre of this book: Europe, and the Second World War, are constantly changing in public perception. Now that ’Europe’ is an even more contested idea than ever, this volume in …