Författare: Michael Busch

The Journal of Wilhelm Otto Busch Born, December 8, 1911 Died, May 25, 2012 Following more than ten years in England, the Busch family, with the exception of Mary, who was already at university, returned in 1958 to live in Germany, where Wilhelm had a job with Massey Ferguson, the Canadian manufacturer of agricultural machinery. Michael and his younger brother Nicholas entered the German school system and, in due course, became fluent in both English and German. Sadly, Patricia died in 1994, leaving Wilhelm living alone in his little wooden house near the town of Kassel. Whereas his brother Nicholas remains to this day a resident of Germany, Michael immigrated in 1967 to Canada. He married Elizabeth in 1968 and has two Canadian-born sons, one of whom became a professional ice hockey player in Germany, where, over the course of his career, he electronically scanned his grandfather’s diaries, returning with a flash drive for his father, Michael, to translate into English. Having translated the turbulent years leading up to 1948 for the benefit of immediate family in Canada, Michael became convinced that his father’s journal has significant historical value for those who might be interested in the lives of ordinary Germans, citizens and soldiers, during the first half of the twentieth century. Notably, as an officer in the Wehrmacht, Wilhelm challenged the rigid army system by going all the way to the very top in order to obtain permission to marry an English woman immediately following the outbreak of World War II.

9 E-böcker av Michael Busch

Michael Busch: The Journal of a German Officer
Following more than ten years in England, the Busch family, with the exception of Mary, who was already at university, returned in 1958 to live in Germany, where Wilhelm had a job with Massey Ferguso …
Michael Busch: 55 Webtools für den Unterricht
Steckbriefe von 55 Webtools speziell für den Unterricht: Mit Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen zur Nutzung der Tools und Praxisbeispielen Webtools in den Unterricht integrieren Der Einsatz digitaler En …
Michael Busch & Jan Jeskow: Zwischen Prekarisierung und Protest
Wie verarbeiten junge Leute gegenwärtig ihre zunehmende Verunsicherung? Inwieweit bleiben sie in sozialen Netzwerken verankert? Verbindet sie tatsächlich ein kollektives »Wir-Gefühl«? Dieser interdis …
Michael Busch: Be the Boss
Be the Boss is a compilation of lessons learned throughout my professional life. Although Ive started many businesses, my greatest success was founding Medicine Shoppe International, Inc., a franchis …
Michael Busch: Welt, bleib wach
’Welt, bleib wach’ – Ein Buch der Bücher: Und mehr als 100 gute Gründe, warum Lesen heute Sinn – und immer neu Lust auf mehr macht. Warum es uns tiefer zu uns selber und auch näher zu den Erfahrungen …
Michael Busch: 33 Tipps für den digitalen Schulalltag
Die besten Lösungen zu den häufigsten Fragen rund um digitales Arbeiten und Unterrichten Wie kann ich einen Hotspot einrichten? Wie kann ich große Dateien verschicken? Was muss ich hinsichtlich des D …
WikiLeaks: The WikiLeaks Files
Wiki Leaks came to prominence in 2010 with the release of 251, 287 top-secret State Department cables, which revealed to the world what the US government really thinks about national leaders, friendl …
Michael Busch & Christian Köhler: 33 Ideen textgenerierende KI im Schulalltag
Chat GPT und Co.: 33 Ideen, wie Sie textgenerierende KI-Systeme sicher und sinnvoll in Unterricht und Schule nutzen können. Kaum ein Thema hat in der Schule für so viel Furore gesorgt wie Chat GPT. T …