Being mugged at knife-point by a friendly taxi driver; suffering from frostbite on various appendages; being mauled by some of the many ravenous stray packs of dogs which roam the nation; attending weddings, hunting expeditions and beauty pageants – discover these and more mis-adventures which befell the author during his 10-month jaunt across the largest, most intriguing and exasperating
country in world. Unearth for yourself the untold joys of Russia’s very own International Women’s Day, Maslenitsa and New Year’s Eve celebrations, in a journey which stretches from Vladivostock to Murmansk, and takes in the history, architecture and customs of over 30 towns and cities en route, and includes a special detour section through China and Mongolia.
Om författaren
An experienced traveller, born and bred in Durham, Northeast England.